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304 619 2720
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It's that time again


March 24 p The last neck surgery operation was completed on the somewhat retired Ace Cub Reporter March 20th.  We think this is the last of the MD interventions since the July 26th vehicle wreck. He made it home on March 22nd.
   We're don't know what having a baby is like but can tell ya, getting  a bunch vertebraes fused together, then a dremel tool grind away bones from too close to his spinal cord followed by a steel rod implanted on each side of that spinal column, hurts like H.
   As of today, he can now walk a little . He can walk about five steps  before collapsing back into his wheel chair. The finger numbness should start going away in a few more days.
   According to the surgeon, the pain should settle down with each passing day. Therapy begins on March 25th
   Thanks for the emails and calls. His hope is to be able to drive again sometime next week.  

Feb 28 a This last day of the month is one of great importance. Grass roots organizations around the nation are calling for a Don't Buy Anything day. It's an attempt to get the Corporate owners of this once great country to feel our wrath in their wallets, the request is for Americans to keep their pocketbooks closed for today. How about it clickers, show your support! Let's get their attention.
  The Gunsmoke TV shows are watched over and over in rerun format. How about some info about all the guns Mat Dillon used on the 20 years of Gunsmoke.

Feb 26 2025  After two months of absolutely atrocious winter and coupling that with the country busting performance of Co Presidents Drumpf and Musk, we're ready to get back in the saddle while seeking improving conditions.
  We've had two days of moderate temps resulting in most of the snow leaving the creeks resuming to near Winter pool. Thank goodness
   On the All Articles section, Magistrate Bass has had a couple days of docket schedules. Slim Randle has added his weekly column on what snow is like in Alaska.
  We got some tried and try advertisers that help keep this online rag afloat. You know you've got file tax returns in April. Penny Pinchers can help you thru that effort. Hanshaw tree service can give a hand on cleaning out those fallen tree limbs. Is your heater screwing up? Keith Wray with Total Comfort heating can solve this problems.
  And finally, is your vehicle lookin more worse for the wear? Cunningham Motors has a darn nice Chevy Silverado four wheel drive at a decent price up in Gould (near Ivydale)
  Thinking back on that recently elected failure, his band of misfits and those that got duped last Nov: In politics, being deceived is no excuse .

Jan 31 2025  National Weathercasters put out flood warnings yesterday afternoon with 100% chance of flooding. That warning has been lowered to a flood watch for County Clay. With all the snow and ice melting, even an inch of rain could easily fill our creeks and hollows. If we can make it thru tonight, sunshine comes our way for the weekend!
  Drump made big promises during the campaign. Now as Felon in Chief, he plans to implement those new sales taxes on Canada and Mexico products. The new sales tax (up to 25%) which will be paid by the American consumer, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... won't have any affect on your wallet.
  No effect? All those Chevy truck commercials proclaming American tough... Bob Seeger belting out "Like a Rock".... M
ost of the Sierra 1500s and Silverados 1500s were made in Silao, Mexico. Silao is one of the three locations where GM produces its pickups.

Jan 29 p After weeks of hiding under a blanket, we've got some updates over on the ALL ARTICLES page. FYI: all our winter snow blast pictures are over there behind the Grandpa's Blizzard link.
   David Hanshaw does some darn good tree cutting and trimming work around County Clay. Look around your yard. We're betting you've got some trees down or ready to come down. His online ad is near the top of this page.

Jan 7 p Across from the Clay County Bank on Main Street, the local Health Dept has opened a bike rental store. Here's the link for having some fun on ERTS.

Jan 6 2025  Weathercasters have been right on the mark this Winter. County Clay has near 10 inches of the white stuff including ice right in the middle of the snow blast. Couple that with power and tele outages off  most of Monday. It's been tough here in the outback.
  Trying to update this site several times yesterday but scuttled each time the power went South.
   School kids got out of learning for the two weeks around Christmas. The wittle brats remain at home this week so far due to the white weather and could temps.
  The place looks beautiful but as far as driving..... don't try it.

Dec 27 a Many of your favorite stores are calling it quits in 2025.The end is near or already here.
   How come we sing Jingle Bells during the Christmas Season when there ain't any mention of Christmas in the words. Here's the facts.

Dec 26p So why does Santa always wear red clothes, black boots sporting a long white beard. Answer: Coca Cola played into the look.

Dec 23 a School kids and teachers were released from captivity last Friday. Last week and today, the kids are climbing the walls in anticipation of Christmas. A little snow, maybe an inch or so, came down yesterday further compounding the exciting the wittle brats.
  While we're waiting for the big day....
   How many white Christmas' have there been? Here's the answers.
  With the dust settled, here's the final count from the Nov 5th General Election. 
Over 41% of all counted ballots came from those who voted early and in person, as 310,878 voters sent their ballots in before November 5
  Here's some brain health tips. Talking dementia .
  For all the dumb bunnies that voted for Drumpf:
West Virginians across the state have said they are struggling with the rising cost of living. Donald Trump won West Virginia with 70% of the vote. Economists say his proposed tariffs would make prices worse.
  Superintendent Dobbins got the green light to shut down Clay Middle School and move the precious little snot lickers over the Clay High. One thing was left out of the green light.... no $$$ was provided by the Gold Dome. $65 M was doled out but 0 for County Clay.

Dec 17 2024  Now operating on a retired, part time basis, we only report on the stuff of real interest to us. We have one of those articles now posted over on the ALL ARTICLES page.. link at the time of this page.
  That new CCC article is juicy. Other Counties have trouble with their elected officials too. Here's one ready for the slammer just a couple county's away.
  In one week, it will be Christmas Eve. Forget the ordering of something online. It's too late for shipping to arrive.
  But how about something nice for yourself or your wifey! Cunningham Motors up in Gould (that's right, what you call Ivydale is actually the Town of Gould). He's got some looking four wheel drive trucks and cars.. Just click the Cunningham Motors button on the home page. Check out that F-150 or white Ram! Nice.

Dec 12 2024 a We have about 1/3 as many students as was the case 4 years ago. Two schools with low student numbers ( H E White and Lizemores) have already been closed. Our local Sch Bd has worked to close another low performing school with low numbers, Clay Middle School. Most in the county know, the closures make sense and are must have decisions.
  After local hearings and votes over the last 7 months, yesterday, the State Sch Bd voted unanimously to axe Clay Middle School. So far, there has been no mention of State funds to make the closure easier to shallow.
  But, it's still possible to start the moving of students around. We think, to get the ball moving, they should start with the sixth graders and put them back in grade school where there are plenty of empty seats.
  County Clay went for decades without a middle school and looks like that's going to happen again.
  Most of yesterday's snow is gone and new flurpies are in the forecast, around the state, nearly half of all the county schools have declared "delayed operation" today.

Dec 5 a County Clay schools were closed this morning based on cold temps and a 30% chance of snow flurrpies.
  The following links should be bookmarked for future use. Like....
   Here's official US Weather Service web page for County Clay.
   With Winter here, you need the online page for school closings.
   You are sitting at home wondering why Badges jailed Uncle Bubba. Here's the W Va look up page for those in the slammer around the state.
   Fellers, you've still got to buy your wifey a few more Christmas presents. Something nice for her would be a set of drill bits. But, you need to know which is best, titanium or cobalt? Here's one wealth of info. Here's another.

Dec 4 a The question is: Are there dead wasps in figs? Here's the answer and you won't like it.
   What is the difference between grass fed, pastured, free range and organic beef?
  15 degrees this morning and snow sprinkling down. The holiday is showing.

Nov 29 a OK men. You know you have to buy for the wifey. Might as well get it over with today , this weekend, when all the Black Friday deals are available. Here's some links to the best stores for shopping for a female. Lowes ; Harbor Freight ; and of course, Tractor Supply. What shemale wouldn't like a new set of wrenches, toolbox, drill, or the perennial favorite, a new skill saw!
  Over on the All Articles page is the newest edition of Slim Randles and Magistrate Jeff Rider's Dec docket.
Nov 28 a
How did we get this national holiday?  President Abraham Lincoln decreed that he would "set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving," Happy National Indigestion Day one and all.

Nov 27 a Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to gather. Many warm memories are made on the day set aside for binge eating. Might be a little different this year. We think, around many tables, as soon as the word Trump is mentioned, or the 2024 Election is brought up, everything should go to H.
  Maybe for Thanksgiving 24, we will make a different kind of memory.  Want to get something started? Tell the dimly lit Trumpsters, the Don has never won the popular vote. Like against Hitlary, the Orange Headed guy won the Electorail College vote but lost the popular vote by  3m. In 2020, he came up 7m short in the popular vote. This time around, true he won the electoral contest, he never had the mark from the majority of voters. Never.  That should pee off those around you dinner table.
  We're going to keep our scanner on tomorrow afternoon. Who knows, those forks and knives may turn into dangerous weapons.
  To all , Happy Turkey Day.

Nov 26 a Up every side road, there's a truck or truck with a trailer attached. Hunters are in the woods. This is the second day of buck season. If you listen, every few minutes, off in the distance, there's athe sound of a rifle going off. County Clay is shut down this week for the annual Buck Season.
  Back when we had a working radio station, for several years, the volunteers hosted Saturday night "Summer Jams" as they called it. Free two hour shows featured great West Virginia musicians. 101.7FM aired each program live. Those talents included John Loving and the Country Lovers.
 We note the passing of John Loving on Nov 19th at the young age of 92.
  It's time to goof off clickers. Enjoy Turkey Day one and all.

Nov 24 a   After nearly 30 years in print and later in a digital format, The Communicator retired being a full time newspaper for change one year ago yesterday. The need for Clayonians to know all the crapola still remains but the Ace Cub Reporter just got too old for the daily rigors of chasing down stories.
  In Appalachia, Thanksgiving week is a time off from work and school. The whole county is shut down. No most don't go hunting but instead, just screw off for the next 7 days.
  For all us old hippies, two days ago, Alice Brook died at 83 years of age. She was the inspiration for Arlo Guthries Alice's Restaurant song.
  For all our Harbor Freight shoppers, here a pretty good run down on the upcoming Black Friday  HF tools.
  How many think DeWalt tools are the best products? How many think Dewalt stuff is made in the U S of A? Here's the truth on DeWalt products.
  Did you know Chevy trucks are made in Mexico.
  Carhart coats.. Nope not made here either.
Maytag, Amana, KitchenAid, Jenn-Air, and Consul washing machines.. they are all made by Whirlpool. Did you know that?
   For that wealth of no charge information.. you are welcome.

Nov 21 a Norman Johnson was quite the man. He was the model for how to run a business out in the middle of nowhere and come out on top.  He also knew marketing. From the very beginning of The Communicator, Mr Johnson took out full page ads in The Communicator. He knew the value of a good newspaper and supported it from the beginning.
  A few years back we asked Norman why he drove a beat up ole truck instead of buying a new one. He replied, I would rather see all those zeros in my check book.
  We note the passing of a heck of a nice guy, Norman L Johnson. Condolences extended to Mr Johnson's family.
   The wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz (and the flying monkeys) scared the bejeebees out of kids. There was a lot more to Margaret Hamilton than that movie.
   While thinking about the movie, there were some weird things you may not have noticed going on.

Nov 20 p  Pretty mixed up day starting with warm temps changing to rain followed by some puffs of wind. Around 3:30pm a puff knocked out power for many Clayonians. That outage lasted a couple hours.
  This morning there was a mention of snow flakes for County Clay. That's all it took for the entire county to head to Go Mart for gas, milk, bread and beer. The place was packed
As of 6pm today, nearly 14,000 Appalachian Power customers are without power due to Wednesday afternoon’s heavy rain paired with strong wind gusts. AEP supplies many in County Clay as well as provides the juice for Elk Power Company.
  Maybe a good thing too. From the National Weather Service, we're looking at a Winter Advisory for Thursday night and Friday. More than snow flurpies are predicted. 18 inches in higher elevations!!

Nov 19 2024  With some snow showers in the forecast for Friday morning, might be a g
ood time to check your tires. Cunningham Motors has a big assortment
  We have a couple new articles over on the ALL ARTICLES page.
  Did you know there is a State fund to cover the cost of pot hole damage to your tires and the like.
  Today  Superintendent  Dobbins made his case before the W Va School Building Authority seeking $$$ to build a new Clay Middle School. The ten minute presentation included the plan for spending the free money.
   With less than $28M to dole out and $254M in requests, competition should be fierce.
   On the plus side, the Authority may look nicer toward us since voters passed a five year Levy in May, we closed 2 schools in June, and the new $$$ will be used to close the old, under used, Clay Middle School.
  Keep your fingers crossed clickers.

6 a The voting machine that counts all ballots was fixed well after midnight last night. There are still problems to be corrected but for now, as of 9am, we know, Allen King will continue for another 4 years as Top Badge and Duane Legg will be the new County Commissioner replacing Connie Kinder.
  We will have more complete (by precinct for instance) results posted later this week.
  Of the 5319 registered voters in this County, 3271 exercised their right to vote. That's right at 61%. That's the most voters ever from these parts.

Nov 5 p Last night the internet demons ate our election eve coverage.
  Around 9pm tonight, election night, it was announced, the County Clay ballot counting machine went haywire. A high dollar techy (the person with a new rubber band) was summoned with an arrival time estimate of 1 1/2 hours.
   No votes have been announced and adding in fixit time, don't expect any election results until well after midnight.

Nov 4 11pm We worked up a dandy election eve article including humor on candidate Randy Holcomb.
   When it was time to upload the article, the internet Gods took over and the $$##@@@ article got lost. we will try to fix it early Tuesday morning.
   In the mean time.. who created and named Google? Here's the answer.
   How come the first Tuesday in November was chosen to become election day.
Nov 1 p Saturday Nov 2nd is the final day of early voting 2024.
  As of around 1:15pm Friday, 1268 early voters had marked their ballots. Get this, that 1268 is a new record for early voting. The old record was set in 2020 with 1135 cast. When you add the many that will come out Saturday, the last day of early voting, it's going to be a blow out.
  FYI there are 5335 registered voters in County Clay.
  Our guess, when the dust settles on election day, the total vote count will amount to around 38%.
   Just mention "Frontier Tele" and customers grit their tooth and go ballistic. Get this, finally some bright future news. Verizon is taking over Frontier.

Oct 28 a  Weathercasters are calling for three more lovely days with blue and sunshine above. After Wed.... the colors and mild temps may be gone
Many state laws prohibit people from wearing campaign T-shirts, hats or buttons inside voting sites to prevent voter intimidation. But what about political expression of a permanent nature — tattoos? Read more.
   Poor ole Donnie can't go a minute without spewing of bunch of lies. Here's correct answers to 12 of his most recent bold face lies.

Oct 25 p The clouds are suppose to blow away this afternoon with blue skies following. Our colors are lookin' good for the weekend.
  Clay Middle School almost always fields a great football team. That's true again this year for the Mustangs who have whooped almost every opponent. Last night it was George Washington who bit the dust. The Division Championship comes next Thursday evening. 6:30pm , over in Summersville, when CMS will take on Braxton.
  As of the opening of the Courthouse this morning, over 300 early voters had cast their ballots. Yesterday , at times, the voting line spewed out the front door onto Courthouse Square

Oct 23 p Across the nation voters are doing their thing during early voting. By all media reports. millions have already expressed their voice
   Here in County Clay 146 yocal locals had marked their ballots by around 2:40 this afternoon. With 2020 being a big year for voter turnout, we don't think that 146 is a record but still, it is impressive
   The County Clerk's office is open for early voters til 4pm weekdays and from 9 to 5 for the next two Saturdays.
   According to Clerk Sheila Stone, poll workers are still needed for election day. Emphasis has been placed on the Big Otter and Walnut Grove precincts. You get a little jingle in your pocket and know you've done a good deed.

Oct 23 a Welcome to the first day of early voting in West Virginia. Of all the things you do as an American, voting should be at the top of your important list. Get out and vote today over at the Courthouse.
   TV screens are filled with hooks to get you off the govt backed Medicare insurance plan and on a for profit, private, insurance plan that has NO connection to Medicare. Be careful when switching from something you have paid into your entire working life.

Oct 22p We've got a pretty good work up on the school system over on the All Articles page.
  9 years ago Donald Trump laid out exactly what he would do if elected Prez. For many of us, that's a bunch of memory to bring back. Here's a refresher for those even considering a vote for that Orange headed guy..
  Early voting opens Wed morning at the Courthouse. Your vote counts more now than ever.

Oct 16 p While you are sitting there watching Matt Dillon get shot for the third time today..... How about some educamation.
   Most know it takes 270 Electorial College votes to become the next Prez. We hear a lot about the all important seven swing state votes. There are only 90 votes within those Swing states. In the entire Electorial College there are a total of  445 total votes of which, 230 are Demorats and 215 are Repubs.
Soooooo... actually you can be Prez without ANY swing state wins!
  For those interested in all the bologna Here's a pretty good write up followed by this link for a little more in-depth info. With this election being so important for the future of this Republic, enjoy the read.
  And those that don't give a shirt about election crappola, how about a good read on Wells Fargo and how it became the Bank of America.
   Those strong boxes were actually called "green boxes".

Oct 15 a A lot of locals purchase processed meats for sandwiches. Few are paying attention as the death toll from listeria mounts. Stores from Walmart to Target to convenience stores like 7 11 are selling the tainted meats. Here's a complete list of brands and dates of the meats.

Oct 14 2024 History teachers for ions instructed us on Christopher Columbus. So famous the guy got, this nation celebrated the explorer and most everyone got a day off of work. Unfortunately most of the teachings of old were bologna. Truth is, Columbus (that ain't his real name) was a jew searching for a place where his people could run to and hide from Jewish persecution. Here is the low down.
  For a little over a year, TV talking heads have worried about another fulls scale war in the Middle East. The region has been a powder keg between the Jews and Arabs for centuries.
  Yesterday, the USA started Israel shipments of super missiles and and and... American troops to man the rocket batteries.
  Ladies and gentlemen we are in the battle now with no answer in sight.
  Speaking of battles, check out the All Articles page for a blast from the past, Sept 2017.
  County Clay had WYAP,101.7FM for over 20 years.That band of volunteers also applied for a received FCC permission for WTUB and WULL. As the original volunteers started passing away, retiring, and or moving away, the local resource was donated to the local school system one year ago today.
  We thought that financially solvent govt agency, laced with youthful energy, would grow the much needed local resource. We were wrong
  12 months after the school system accepted the donation, nothing, nothing has come back on the FM airwaves. For all intents and purpose, local radio is dead. It is a very sad day.
  For leaf peepers, the sycamore yellows are just beginning to show while the oaks are dark brown. For Fall colors, this weekend should be perfect for a drive thru County Clay. Hope to see you here!

Oct 10  It has been a long time since schools were open for the snot lickers on a Friday. Teachers are there today but as far as edumacation, not happening today
  For our leaf peepers.... the color ain't here yet. STILL!! A great time to come visit County Clay. Temps are still around 65 degrees each afternoon.
  Over at the rail car rides, last night, there was a large crowd to enjoy the 2 hour trip. Smiles were everyone. There have been over 10,000 riders so far this inaugural year. For those that thought nothing like a pedal car ride could make it..... Wrong O!
  Notice over in Fayetteville, there's an American Indian Pow Wow slated for this weekend. Sounds like a bunch of fun. Here's a link for more info.

Oct 9 2024 With the Columbus holiday three day weekend coming and beautiful Fall weather coming for the next many days, it's a great time to get out and enjoy the upcoming colors. For leaf peepers, right now, there is little in the way of orange and red colors.
  This morning brought a chilly 37 degrees. It's almost time to put away short pants.
  With four decades + of service under her belt, Marsha Cottrell, the Clay Farm Store store manager, has retired from work.
   County Clay is serviced by three power companies,AEP, Monon and for the central portion, Elk Power. From the Sunday Gazette: Only Michigan has higher rates than W Va. As for the number of outages and the amount of time off, you guessed it, W Va has the worst performance rates in the nation. 91% of our power comes via coal powered plants which have the highest cost in the world!
  Lots of folks still hunt each Fall. Here's the prediction on the 2024 food supply for Bambi.
  For those interested in obeying hunting regs there have been some hunting license changes.
  With 2024 early balloting just two weeks away, did you know there is also a ballot measure changing the W Va Constitution on assisted suicide? The wording is so confusing, we think it is intentionally misleading.

Sept 26 p Kids get a three hour early out Friday. Parents beware, they're all yours!
  Even ole timers are remarking on the concentration of bees and bee stings this Summer. It has been next impossible to sit out in the yard or deck. Here's the full write up.
  Something else new for this region. Mole crickets. Ever heard of em? They're here now.
  We're working on a school system update. Article should be ready sometime tomorrow afternoon. Should be juicy.

Sept 26 2024 After 9 weeks of drought that turned every yard and garden spot into brown wire, two days of drizzle is changing things back to normal. It was a rotten Summer but it's finally over
More than a decade ago, natural gas companies sold West Virginians on a bright and prosperous future with tens of thousands of new jobs. Companies have pulled billions of dollars of natural gas out of the ground, yet many people here still can’t afford basic necessities like food and clothing. Here's the full read.
  Tonight is the last chance to see the CCHS volleyball team on the court. Go Lady Panthers.

Sept 24 2024 I have gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, please ask me to wait
  See All Articles page

Aug 19 a  After three weeks and three days of recovery and with much of the brain fog gone, the Ace Cub Reporter will try out typing today. Thanks for the emails, cards, and calls.

Aug 12 a We've got an update on AW's vehicle collision and recovery. That's located over on the All Articles page.
  For the banged up lad, there's still a brain fog in place. With several MD visits this week, we hope to be back online later this week.
  Thanks for all the calls and the like. You are appreciated. Well, except for that one nastygram about a I-79 sign stuck up his butt.
  Bruce Cunningham has his newest car ad over on his web ad. Nice lookin Malibu is featured.

July 31 p  The Mel Gibson Look alike managed to get clobbered on Rt 19 Friday July 26th. After being life flighted to Ruby Memorial he's back home as of Wed afternoon late.
  He is recovering well but has to manage his health for at s few more days.

July 15 a  Clickers ask us, how can I find out if someone is in the slammer or has been in the slammer. That's an easy one. Click on the state judiciary page for the facts. Be sure to bookmark that link for future reference.
  As far as we can tell, Noodles is still missing in action. $16,400 for a school dog???? Keep those calls going to Superintendent Dobbins and let him know, Clay Elem kids need that therapy dog.
   Marketing: Rail Explorers is doing quite well over at Dundon. Almost 5000 have already enjoyed the adventure since June 8th. The State of West Virginia tourism website supporting that new attraction? Well... not so much. If you walk over to the official website and search rail explorers.... nothing came up for us. So much for hyping the best thang to come to County Clay.

July 17 We stumbled across a Sch Bd meeting last night. Held  at Clay High, it was a winner. Highlights include: a new ban on using cell phones, personal electronic devices during class time; that ban includes teachers fiddle farting with the phone during class time; faced with employees of all stripes not  showing up for work (just 50%) of the time, there's a new policy that includes strong discipline; and, and, and,
  After questions from his Board, here's a snippet. Clay Elem Principle Michelle Paxton resigned. She was also the handler for a $16,000+ grant funded therapy dog for the kids. According to Superintendent Dobbins, Ms Paxton is refusing to give back "Noodles".
  Full details of the entire meeting in our meeting coverage article coming later today.
  Speaking of snakes, here's a couple web cams of the slithering creatures....Oh, we're talking about the snakes.
Be sure to check out the snake cam video highlights too.

July 15 p For men, Summer shirts do not have a pocket. With heat hovering around 100 today and expected to be similar on Tuesday, still early in the Summer months, we're already hankering for shirt pockets.
  How often do you notice a national poll or survey that does NOT include West Virginia at the very bottom. Here's one:
America's 10 worst states for quality of life in 2024. We ain't there !!!!
   Bruce Cunningham has some nice lookin SUV's available with ice cold A/C. Check out Cunningham Motors in Gould (some think that area is named Ivydale) today.
   When you think about it, County Clay now has a tourism footprint. Let's see now, rail rides, Lake Sampson, Elk River, a trout stream and the ERTS State Park for hikers, bikers, and horseback use. That's a good start but we need more, some kind of weird draw. Counties all around us have made the news cycle with sightings of Big Foot. When that listing gets to County Clay, we aren't even listed with data of ANY kind. Documented in print, that's what we need, someone to make up such a story. How about you? Can't you come up with something and get us started with a Land of Little story. Email over your best effort and lets get this started.

July 14 a Most of the people that were around when Japan attacked at Pearl Harbor, those folks are mostly in their graves. Now those of us with gray hair or no hair, are thinking back to 1963 and assassination of JFK, MLK Jr., and RFK.
  For this Mel Gibson Look Alike, in 1963, it was 3th grade teacher Ms Barker, that entered our Grandview Elem classroom to tell us of the Dallas shooting, and then sent us home. I remember running home but not remembering smiles and joy from getting out of school that morning. Once home Mom had a black and white TV tuned to CBS news.
  For anyone with such memories, it's a time to reflect on the shape and the hatred this country is in.
  While we're keeping our thoughts inward this morning. Many are thinking about NKJV Revelation13.3 :
And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.
  Our prayers are extended to Trump, those that were killed last evening and those trying to recover this morning.

July 12 a We have an update from last weekend's Independence Day Celebration posted over on the All Article page.
  How hot is it? So hot, concrete streets have buckled.
  Politicians oft tout , they are making rich people pay their fair share of taxes. Those folks mostly speak with forked tongue. That's not the case with Biden who added IRS funding to go after the billionaires.
The IRS announced Thursday that it has collected $1 billion in back taxes from high-wealth tax cheats. For us on this side of the fence, we are smiling
  Timothy Snyder penned a little book, ON TYRANNY,  in in 2017. Snyder knew the impending doom coming our way compliments the many Drumpf and right wing media lies. From Mr Snyder:  To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no  basis to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights.
   The super warm Summer continues for the next 6 days. Be careful out there clickers. As for rain cooling things down, not much in the forecast.
  For those coming our way this weekend, the Elk River is lookin good. Perfect for fishing, wading, swimming, kayaking. Why not spend the weekend and take in ERTS too.
 We would make a mention to ride the new rail car ride on the old BC&G RR. But, a quick check of the Rail Explorers booking page, they are sold out for the next many days. That's good news for them and even better news for the local economy.
  Noticed something Thursday morning. Driving toward Clay on Triplett Ridge road, we noticed two cars with out of state plates. Loaded down with people, both vehicles were driving slowly on the winding road. At the bottom of the hill near the Dundon bridge, both vehicles turned left and headed out to the Rail Explorers base.
  Clickers, that's fresh new $$$ and jobs coming into County Clay.
 Enjoy your weekend if you can.

July 9 a  Calling all the aging potheads. Just one town to our South, Charleston, is poised to vote in a new ordinance to legalize weed. Yelp, we can now take a short drive to the capitol city and have get stoned cross eyed.
   Project 2025 is a scary backroom Republicrap plan to reduce our democracy to ashes. If you haven't took the time to see what they're quietly talking about, here's a brief synopsis.
1955 Bill Haley & His Comets "Rock Around the Clock" tops the billboards chart, one of the best-selling singles ever
Maj. Dale R. Buis and Master Sgt. Chester M. Ovnand become the first Americans killed in the American phase of the Vietnam War when guerrillas strike a Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) compound in Bien Hoa, 20 miles northeast of Saigon. The group had arrived in South Vietnam on November 1, 1955, to provide military assistance. The organization consisted of U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps personnel who provided advice and assistance to the Ministry of Defense, Joint General Staff, corps and division commanders, training centers, and province and district headquarters.
   Happy 68th birthday today to Tom Hanks.
  The heat index for this region is set to reach above 100 degrees. Be careful out there today.

July 8 a In the real world, fast food and convenience stores provide the bulk of Summer jobs for kids out of school. Those jobs provide much needed $$$ but pay minimum wage.
Then came CMI2 with their entry level jobs but with much higher wages.
   We stay away from those Russian Social Media sites. But with several folks sending over screen shots....
  Enter Rail Explorers starting people out at $17 /hour. That ain't bad money! With college age kids leaving out in early August, Rail Explorers are hiring more tour guides thru the end of August.
  Interested? Email Trey Corwell at

July 7 a  We have our write up and pics from yesterday's July 4th Fest over on the All Articles page.
  Thinking back on last Monday's Sch Bd meeting and truly believing the right team is in place and on board to bring education back into the classroom, here's some Bd Prez Phoebe Nichols remarks provided during the meeting:  It is the joy of my life to do this job.... I don't take it lightly....We try our hardest...

July 4 a We have the full write up from the most recent Sch Bd meeting over on the All Articles.
   248 years ago a band of thinkers got together and wrote out their dream, life liberty and pursuit of happiness. While everything has not come true, each 4th of July we celebrated this Nation. After Monday's Federalist decision by the Supreme Court, all has changed. Instead of a lively July 4th, there's a bunch in the country that feel, we've made a downgrade change from no man is above the law. Happy and fun this Independence Day, not so much.
  For 25 years County Clay had community radio WYAP-LP. 101.7FM Broadcasting 24 hours a day with diverse programming, the local initiative made great strides for this 342 square miles. With the founders aging out or passing, the sparkplug for the station, Andy Waddell retired from duty. With no one else willing to take on the 365 day per year task, WYAP was donated to Clay High where a class was operating an internet stream, Panther Nation Radio, which consisted of mostly canned programming. Now 8 months later, YAP has never returned to the FM dial. A feller with the Community Broadcasters Association came to town this week for interviews. His write up on the loss  can be found here.

July 3 p The 4th of July holiday is coming on Thursday, many took off the entire week for vacation.
 For the rest of us, Saturday afternoon downtown Clay will be packed with Festival attendees at the ready for a huge fireworks display. See ad over on the All Article page for details. It even looks like weather will cooperate this year. If you're wondering, we can thank CMI2 for their funding of this event. Thanks Team Wally.
  The flags are up, banners are hung and we even saw Town workers sweeping,scraping up dirt and debris and removing side street brush.
  It's almost time to have some fun!
  Sadly we report the passing of Don Jarvis. That coverage and obit is over on the All Article page.
  We're knocking off for the next few days. Happy Fourth of July one and all.

June 30 p So.. your a big tough guy and here comes a Badge. To yourself, I'll show him!!!!!!!!!!
  In Vermont a driver flipped off the Badge, used the F bomb, got arrested, and got his car impounded. Thankful there is still a wittle bit of the 1st Amendment left in place, the ACLU took the case to court where the motorist won, received $100,000 for pain and suffering, and the ACLU earned an additional $75,000 for their effort.
  New Boardsters Aaron Williams and Mike Mullins take their oath of office and their place at the voting table during the July 1st Sc Bd meeting. Lets see now, our new Superintendent has a completely new Board, less two schools and 2.5 million in Levy dollars at his disposal. Dobbins is off and running. If it wasn't for pee poor test scores, under performing school administrators and teachers that are absent every other day, Oh Well, you can't have everything.

June 29 First some background.... Phil Dobbins took his School Superintendent job July 1st of last year. In Nov 2022, Superintendent Joe Paxton was voted off his perch by a unanimous vote of the sitting Board. The motion to toss was made by David Pierson.
  It is our understanding, after getting six months of free $$$, Joe Paxton was hired by Calhoun County as a  low level position like janitor or Bus Czar in that school system. When he was skedaddled,  that left behind wifey Michele at a very troubled school, Clay Elem.
  If you check out the Calhoun County meeting agenda set for this coming week, Michele Paxton is set to join her sweetie in Calhoun County.
  Lot's going on behind the scenes!

June 25 p Small Town America is a mental image that means something. One of those images is a 4th of July Celebration complete with fireworks and live music. For several years this County went without zip for the July 4th holiday. Thanks to CMI 2, County Clay's Celebration will happen again in 2024. Some corporations do little to nothing in this County. That's not the case with CMI2 which has been using local contractors, hiring locals at fair rates, and now, once again, contributing to our tourism future. The poster for the event is now listed over on the All Articles section.  Thanks Team Wally.
  With more heat advisories coming next week, how's your A/C doing? Kieth Wray can fix up your old unit or better yet, install cold as ice capacity units right away.
  Speaking of roasting this Summer, Cunningham Motors has a whole stable of newer rides at the ready with working air conditioning. Call Bruce today. See ad link above
   Now, back to taking naps....

June 25 a The changing of the guard is complete within our County school system. It started a couple years back when voters tossed three long standing Board members. With a new quorum in place the three newly elected Boardsters tossed the back door dealing Superintendent off the island.
  Last month the balance of the old Bd, David Pierson and Susan Bodkins, were given their walking papers during the Primary Election.
  The final regular meeting for Pierson and Bodkins was last night. It must have been a happy time for Susan who told the world she wouldn't run 6 months ago and told the world, she was a better Mama than a Boardster. We agree with Bodkins and wish her a happy retirement.
  For many years David provided a level headed, moderating approach while in office. What got him, other than not campaigning one iota, he was one of those supporters of the ousted Superintendent and right in the mix when it came to doing crapola behind closed doors. For voters in County Clay, the bad side out weighed the good for Pierson.
  A completely new Board, a one year in the saddle new Superintendent, and with two fewer schools, new Boardsters Mike Mullins and Aaron Williams take their seats on the Board Monday July 1st. There will not be a coasting period for the Board. Action items include what to do with employees after the closing of two schools and budget cut downsizing including at the Pentagon.
  The changing of the guard is complete clickers! It's a new day for this struggling Land of Little.
June 24 p Friday morning the retired Ace Cub Reporter was still in bed around 7am half awake. Over W Va Public Radio came: the Clay BDA had received another $3.4 million in grants to finish the ERTS hiking biking horseback riding trail from Gassaway to Gilmer Station. Sure sounded nice. A great way to begin the day.
   Back when ERTS was being constructed , the Feds only supplied half the promised Fed dollars up front. To complete the $8m project, State dollars were used to fill the gab.
  Yes the Fed just coughed up that $3.4 m but that was to repay what this State advanced more than two years ago.
  The bogus news cast was merely a chance for our two US Senators to get their names on the airwaves.
  IF you were listening Friday morning, don't get excited. There ain't no new $$$ coming to ERTS.
  Down the road, most have their fingers crossed that the Elk Trail Foundation may (should) receive enough $$$ to extend the ERTS State Park all the way to Gilmer Station. But But But, that's down the road.

June 23 a The Elk is lookin great and a perfect time to come for some fishin, kayaking and more
  Time has a way of diluting memories. With campaigns in high gear, do you remember, Drumpf never won a popular vote for Prez. It's true, even back in 2016 when the orange headed guy was selected to be the next Prez, he actually lost the popular vote by 3 million. It has been downhill ever since.

June 17 p  Us old farts remember signing up for the military draft. After that came a fish bowl drawing to select who got the marching orders. This Country hasn't had a real draft in decades. Now on the internet are bogus reports of male and now female drafts heading their way. Congress has some bills in the works and none have passed this election year.
   How about a story on a living WWII veteran who is the son of Civil War vet from West Virginia.
   Things are pretty dangerous around the world. The us of chemical weapons doubles the problem. That's what Russia is doing right now and no one is talking about it.

June 16 a Today is national sperm donator day. Thank you Dad's everywhere. Did you know that Father's Day began here in West Virginia? It did.
 On this day in history, Drumpf launched his 2016 Presidential race. It's been downhill ever since! On this day, back in 1959, we lost the original Superman, George Reeves.
  As for outdoor activities, heat index, the feels like factor, will be above 100 degrees. Be careful out there clickers.

June 14 a Now with the grass cut, weeds whacked, trash picked up, gardens deweeded.... we're closer to getting back to normal. Sorry for getting side tracked.
   Summer isn't officially here for a few more days but the intensity of the heat, it's finally here
large number of West Virginia’s poor are children.  Between 2021 and 2022, West Virginia was the only state to see an increase in the number of children experiencing poverty — going from 20.7% to 25% of kids in the state.
    West Virginia is once again recognized as at the very bottom (one of four other states) when it comes to  persistent, here from the beginning of time, poverty.
  For those looking for something to do this weekend, ERTS is ready for your feets, bike, horse... the Rail Explorers are now in high gear, and the Elk is at Summer pool, clean and green.
  The best baby sitting service in the county, Clay County pool, is open for business and a great place to hang out tomorrow.
  Hope to see you here.

June 6 a For those that have been around awhile, Kennedy was shot several times by 24-year-old Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan. He was pronounced dead a day later, on June 6, 1968.
    Many have switched to an SUV for a variety of reasons. Which has the highest rating? Here's the answer.
    It is drizzly this morning. Later today and into the weekend, weathercasters are predicamentating sunshine and dry conditions. That bodes well for tomorrow's grand opening of the rail ride adventures. The festivities include free rides for local yocals. Here's your chance clickers to County Clay in all its beauty.  All the info can be found on the ERTS page of this site.
  NOTE NOTE NOTE  We had an incomplete tele number for the Hanshaw Tree Service ad up above. The correct number is now listed.

June 5 a We moved the Rail Explorer brochure and all the Grand Opening details over to the ERTS page. Those details include free rides.
 The warmest Spring ever.
  Record number of tornadoes for West Virginia.
  71 years ago the aging Ace Cub Reporter was born. His Father cried at first sight! His Mother ran as fast as she could.

June 3 p Forgot to mention in the morning post, here's the link to book seats on rail cars. Oh by the way, for those saying this will never work... Saturday June 15th.... it's all booked up!

June 3 a  Things are happening in County Clay. Stuff most of us thought would never see the light of day, it's here. Who would have thunk that there would be a full time food truck in downtown plus another couple in and out of the place. CMI2 left Boone County five years ago and today, in this County, they have hired locals for part time and full time work including good pay and benefits not to mention remodeling the old Ben Murphy building in Lizemores! The Feds invested $9 million to rebuild the old BC&G RR tracks and today, the rails are ready to be put back to use for a tourism ride.  ATVers have found us and are showing up each weekend to ply our back roads and mud holes minus any of those Hatfield / McCoy use fees and regs.
   All that amounts to jobs. But wait there's more!
   Come June 8th, the first of the new tourists will be here to ride the rail cars over in Dundon. Think about it. If 50 or so ride each day, all those folks will purchase gas, beer, munchies and more. Add it up. That's real money.
  It truly is a new day for Clay.

May 31 a    Main Street in downtown Clay heading toward CCHS now has a Boil Water Order in place.
   Now five days after the Big Sunday night storm, we think most everybody have their utilities restored and life is getting back to normal.
   We noticed the first Rail Explorer brochures yesterday. TV-13 had a very short mention two days ago. For details and more info, click their website.
  Our future is finally here.
   There are a bunch of droopy faces today. Those are the Drumpf loyalists who remain in the dark and unable to comprehend much of anything. Giggles and smiles extended to the rest.
   For those interested in visiting our remotely beautiful county, the Elk River is nearly clear and at Summer pool, ERTS is at the ready for hiking biking and horseback riding adventure. Come see what makes this place si special.

May 28 a For many in County Clay and around the region,  2024 Memorial Day will be long remembered and not in a good way. A biggy storm hit around 5:30pm Saturday. It left thousands minus tele, internet service not to mention no power. No deaths have been reported.
  As of Tuesday am, thousands in the state remain disconnected from the 21st century
  But, there is some good news.
  Quietly, ever so quietly, the Nation of Clay has turned into an ATV playground. On Saturday this place was covered with ATV's of all stripes. 10am Saturday, there were no less than 20 off roaders fueling up in the Clay Go Mart lot. Just up the way, a like amount were seen parked beside Subway and Tudor's. Many more were spotted being hauled on pick ups and trailers. Stores that were open for business, they made real $$$. Come June 8th when the rail rides open, we should be hopping!
  We are still in need clickers. Travelers want stuff to make their trip complete. For those wanting to put some jingle in their pocket, needs include: roadside trinket sales, a couple campgrounds are needed,  a sit down place for pizza, spaghetti, Chinese  foods, a bike / ATV repair shop and more. It's ground floor opportunity time.
  Whether you like it or not, tourism and new dollars, they're finally here.
  Youthful Sawyer Dobbins has penned a nice article on the Oct 3rd 1952 train robbery on the BC&G RR. Check it out over on the All Articles section of this site. How about it old timers? We need more. Can anybody remember, maybe have newspaper clippings etc on what happened to the bad guys? Did they get arrested? Any convictions? Because U S mail was involved, were Federal charges added? Email us please.
May 24 p It's not often we can say that County Clay is up with the rest of the nation. We can now.  With school kids out of  their jail, teachers also freed at last, this County has already skedaddled to make a four day weekend out of the Memorial Day holiday. All is quiet on the home front.
  Enjoy your holiday break. See ya on Tuesday unless something dumb happens.

May 23 a A couple months back we asked our clickers to dig up some history on the BC&G RR train robbery from Oct 1952. High Schooler Sawyer Dobbins took on the challenge. His findings are now posted over on the All Articles page. Thanks Sawyer
   Slim Randles is also over on that link
   The folks over at the rail rides in Dundon are making progress. Yes, they think they can get everything up and running by June 8th, opening day. Employees start their training next week.
   Welcome aboard Rail Explorers USA.

May 17 a County Clay schools are still in session but as for education, not so much. For the last 6 weeks, instead of books, much time is being spent on field trips, games, movies and less.
   Congratulations to Clay High graduating seniors. Ceremony is tomorrow.
   We've waited for years. Much talk has come on that rebuilding of the BC&G RR tracks and what a waste of FEMA funds. Others have proclaimed, those rail cars are a pipe dream that will never happen.
   For your edification: Last night the first rail cars  rode the rails from Dundon to above Swandale
  and back. The red cars zoomed on the tracks with smiles seen on each of the riders.
  Official opening comes June 8th with a good for politicians ceremony on the 7th
  We use to say the rail rides are coming. 
  We can NOW say, the rail rides are here and the door to our tourism future is open.

May 16 a The vote totals by precinct are now available on our Spring Election page.
   Most campaigners have picked up their yard signs. Most! Taking down those signs among the tall weeds, it can be hazardous.

May 14  10pm  Local election results are now posted over on the Primary Election page. Sadly we reported, we saw no finger pointing, yelling irregularities at the Courthouse Tuesday evening.

May 13 p Newspapers of all stripes used to print out voter guides before each election. With most of em gone now, a website, West Virginia Spotlight, has a pretty good voter's guide available.
  For this website, we'd like to recommend candidates for office. If they won't talk to you now, think how bad it will be if they get elected. Our recommendations are those that submitted a candidate announcement. Those can be found at the bottom of Primary Election page.
Good luck one and all.

May 13 a There has been a polling place change. See Primary Election , Ballot page
  We have added our 2 cents worth on  tomorrow's election cycle along with another couple cents on the greed called a School Excess Levy.
  With around 750 ballots cast during the early voting period. We think that indicates just 1600 - 1700 total ballots will be marked. That's actually a very poor turnout. Even with rain expected on the 14th, get out and vote.

May 12 p  Kathleen E. Butcher Walker, 95, passed away on Wednesday,  Ms Walker's Obituary page.

May 12 a  Happy Mother's Day to one and all. Irene Waddell, we still miss you.
   Over on the Spring Election page we have our write up on early voting and changes at the Courthouse
   Monday marks the 4th anniversary of Peter Triplett's passing. That notice is posted over on the All Articles page
  We're working on the Excess Levy wrap up and hope to have it posted late tonight.

May 9 p From the Poopster:
Found a family Bible on Wednesday May 08 at about 4:00 pm Laying in the road on Rt-16 top of Independence Mountain. Very little damage to it, No identity markings on or In the Bible Call Randy Holcomb 304-651-4260 if it’s your Bible
   Walk over to the All Articles page for the latest on the new rail rides coming to County Clay. As a tease, the new battery powered vehicles are now on the Dundon rails.
   Our County has been eat up with drugs and druggies. For most, once into drug use, there is no turning around. David Hanshaw had a very troubled youth. Drugs wiped him out and landed him in the Court system on several occasions. That was 20 years ago.
   With 9 years of being drug free, David has grown into a hard working young man with a licensed and insured tree cutting, trimming, topping, rounding company.
   We used him earlier this week and get this, in addition to showing up on time, he did a good job.
   To contact Hanshaw tree service dial 304 619 2720

May 6a Happy Monday to one and all. As of closing time Saturday, 293 early voters had cast their ballots. Although not a record like in 2026, that's a darn good showing. How about you? Vote during regular office hours thru Saturday May 11th.
  Need to vote via an absentee ballot? Deadline for that is this Wed.
  Lake Sampson was stocked Saturday.

May 4 p We've added the last pics over on the Josh Shamblin memorial page
  AS of around noon today, around 250 ballots had been cast. If you're worried about voting via a puter screen, don't. There are workers there that can guide you thru process.
  For CCHS seniors, today is a very special day. Tonight is the senior prom. Looks like the rain may hold off long enough so the kids aren't drenched.

May 3 p Here's what the County Clay School website read Thursday night:    To Staff, Students and Parents: A report has been made regarding an alleged incident that would affect student and staff safety at Clay County Middle School tomorrow, Friday, May 3rd. All efforts are being made to ensure everyone's safety during the investigation into this alleged incident, including the placement of law enforcement at the school tomorrow
   As of 1 pm today, we've not heard of any incidents at CMS.
   Times have changed  and so has the school system.
   Wed was the first day for early voting at the Courthouse. On Wed, 70 ballots were cast followed by 67 on Thursday. Don't forget, you can vote Saturday too.
   For those lookin for something to do.... The Elk River and tributaries are lookin clear and full of fishy. Why not visit this weekend.

May 2 a We've added a couple articles over on the Wittle Article page including what happened on May 5 2020.
  Don't forget, early voting is now in progress over at the Courthouse. On day one, yesterday, around 82 cast their ballots. Voting makes a difference, VOTE!
  People get duped real easy. On the right wing Thump lover news outlets, day after day comes word that crime is rampant , out of control and world's coming to an end if Drumpf ain't elected. The truth is crime rates including violent crime, those rates are way down.

April 30 a Josh Shamblin served as a Town Councilperson then as Mayor of Clay as well as being on the BDA and other volunteer committeesHe was well thought of in each capacity.
  Josh was found dead yesterday at his home.
  If you are wondering about a memorial service or any details, you won't get answers at Town Hall. This morning the Office Manager told us that Mayor Hubbard instructed him to not answer ANY questions from anybody.
  Condolences extended to the Shamblin family and friends.
  Over on the Spring Election page many candidates seeking office took the time to provide candidate announcement statements. Sunday evening Nicole Summers emailed over her statement for posting. Check out her plans now.
  Remember, if they won't talk to you know, what can we expect from em if elected!

April 26 a With the county blooming with color and lookin pretty.....
   This County has great volunteers that put on some nice, worthwhile, events. Without fail, they drop the ball when it comes to letting the world know in advance. For instance, it's our understanding that tomorrow is the annual recycling day over at Pierson Lumber Company. Problem is, few know about it or the 8am start time. Very sad.
   We posted our article on a new tax facing customers and businesses in the Town of Clay. We did that yesterday. See All Articles' page above. On second blush, to rub our noses in it, they reference the new burden as a "privilege" tax. Get it? It's a privilege to set up shop in a Town with few opportunities and even fewer chances to succeed.
  Kennie Bass with WCHS-8 is well known for in-depth reporting. Mr Bass is now reporting on the mass absenteeism of our school system employees. County Clay has the worst rate in the State.  It amounts to every employee missing one day out of every ten and even taking days off without pay for the heck of it. It's tough to teach when teachers aren't in the classroom.
   It was just 12 or so years ago that County Clay ranked at the top of the dung pile during the Kenneth Tanner administration. What happened? Let's see now, between KT and the new guy Dobbins, who was in charge?  It's another black eye and just in time for the Pentagon to seek more $$$ during the Excess Levy Election vote in May. Between using the Excess $$ for astra turf, sub teachers, sub service personnel etc, guess they really do the extra jingle.
   Note: that WCHS website is so over used this morning, it has been crashing more often than not. Just keep trying.

April 25 2024  Get out the Crisco clickers. The Town of Clay just added a new local sales tax to anything and everything you purchase in the County's only municipality. See All Articles page at the top of this homepage
  We would like to welcome a returning advertiser on this site , Keith Wray's Total Comfort Heating and Cooling. That kicks off  next week.

April 23 p MAY DAY MAY DAY:  With the Primary Election just around the corner, our County Clerk is still in real need for additional poll workers. There has to be 4 at each precinct made up of the various parties. How about you. Call Clerk Sheila Stone today.
  Want to see the gazillion dollar new voting machines in action before Election Day? They are doing a public test of the contraption tomorrow in the County Clerk's office.

April 23 a There are 1660 voting precincts in W Va
  For the 2022 Primary Election there was  a total of 
1,135,601 registered voters in W Va.  Of that number just 260,274 marked ballots. That amounts to 22.92% participating. 
  The 2016 We Love Trump Primary Election in County Clay brought out 2570 voters of the total registered voters - 5852. That amounted to 43.9 %  a new historical high turn out.
For the first time in forever, over 50% of the voters showed up in  Boone, Lewis and Preston Counties. For that 2016 Trumpaganza, the statewide percentage was 39.9%
  For those wondering about all those campaign placards dotting our roads, here's the official rules... not that it matters.
   Cunningham Motors up in Gould West Virginia has their new ad slick behind their homepage ad. They've got some nice looking rolling stock. Take a gander.
   For this website, candidate ads will all go away after May 15th. That should free up some space for new advertisers. How about your business? Event? Schedule? Just email us. Address is listed below
April 21 a Check out the new soccer fields at Clay County Park. See ALL Articles page. Great fun for all!

April 17 a  While you are sitting there waiting for a website to load up, keep in mind, West Virginia has the worst connectivity in the Nation. We rank 50th.
   We are starting to think about the upcoming election. For those of us that pay attention to the stinky deeds of Repubs in office.... The most wealthy just received a $300 billion gift.

April 16 a Tonight's public meeting of the Sch Bd meets in regular session at 6 pm over at Clay High. There was a time when getting a teaching job meant, you had a career for life. That ain't the case no more.
  Tonight long term teachers, short terms, subs, service people, their heads are on the chopping block. Ditto for termination of Pentagon jobs. Not leaving anybody out, many of the year around workers, they are getting their contracts reduced. The agenda makes it clear, strong cutbacks are needed to keep the budget in the black.
   Just 10 months on the job, Superintendent Dobbins has his hands full.
   Those cutbacks are needed as are closing the doors on two rural grade schools. Couple that all together and getting the School Excess Levy passed in May....  it's going to be tough.
   It's not over clickers. With a dwindling school population, about 18 months from right now, expect the vote to come to close Clay Middle School and absorb those rug rats into the remaining buildings.

April 15 early early a  Today is the season opener for one of the most challenging animals to bag. This is the opening day of the 5 week Spring gobbler season.
 With great eye sight and cautious tendencies galore, the fun is about to begin.
  It's this time of year that brush fires get out of control and destroy valuable timber, homes, etc. Mid day Sunday fire crews were on the scene out around Dog Run. When we passed by, the ridge top was still burning. With stiff winds present, it may continue to spread. Be careful out there.

April 13 2024 All the Spring 2024 Election Ballots are linked on the PRIMARY ELECTION button at the top of this page

April 12 7:30 a
All schools in Clay County will be non-traditional learning on Fri. Apr. 12, 2024 due to High Water. Translation: A day to screw off!
  With voting to begin in just a couple weeks and with close to 50% of all voting to be done during early voting times, it's important to remember just how rotten Repubs have been since taking control of the Legislature 9 years ago. Do you depend on Medicaid for health insurance? Repubs have just removed funding to the tune of $150 million from you.
Sen. Rupie Phillips, R-Logan, said lawmakers want to see more people working and fewer people on programs like Medicaid.  “If you need help, I want you to have help,” he said. “People just — they just gotta quit mooching off the government and go to work.” Here's the BS many of you are voting for..

April 11 9:35 pm County Clay Schools are on a two hour delay Friday. Sleep in.

April 11 9pm From the National Weather Service:
   has issued a
* Flash Flood Warning for...
  Southeastern Roane County in central West Virginia...
  Central Braxton County in north central West Virginia...
  Calhoun County in north central West Virginia...
  Northeastern Clay County in north central West Virginia...
  Gilmer County in north central West Virginia...
  Doddridge County in northern West Virginia...
  Harrison County in northern West Virginia...
  Northwestern Lewis County in northern West Virginia...
  Northwestern Taylor County in northern West Virginia...
  Southeastern Ritchie County in northwestern West Virginia...

* Until 1245 AM EDT.

* At 740 PM EDT, emergency management reported heavy rain and
  flooding across portions of the area due to training showers and
  thunderstorms. Between 1 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen.
  Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are possible in the
  warned area. Flash flooding is already occurring.

  HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms.
April 11 9am  Around 8:30 this morning Sarah the School Messenger called to say schools would be closing three hours early today due to impending weather
  Impending weather?
  This region is under watch for severe wind and heavy downpours beginning after lunch today.
  Jamie Morris managed to get himself in trouble with the law over and over. Last Sunday we noticed him all dressed up and going to church carrying a Bible. Hmmm.... Maybe Morris changed his life around and for the better.
  Tuesday, Jamie was arrested on drug and possession of a firearm in his possession. Some things are hard to change.
  Over on the ALL ARTICLES page is the listing fir all current folks in the CRJ slammer as of 9am this morning.

April 9 2024 We hoped to provide some great pics and a nice write up on yesterday's Eclipse of the Sun. Truthfully, it was pretty much a non event in our locale. Other than birds disappearing and a change in humidity, not much else happened around 3:15. The Mel Gibson Look alike spent the afternoon out in the middle of a ridge top meadow with his welding hood on. Spent 45 minutes taking peeps. As the Eclipse ended, buzzards started circling the guy about 50 feet above his head.. He folded up the chair and skedaddled post haste.
   Cunningham Motors has their new ad slick available. Some pretty nice vehicles are at the ready.
   Mike Asbury was appointed last year to fill the Judge seat vacated by Ric Facemire when he retired from duty. Mike is on the ballot in Mao retain that seat. His candidate bio is now posted over on the Election page.
   Public hearings are common practice for any govt inspired effort. The idea is for the govt agency to say, see, we had a bunch of people show up and prove our worth. There has been lip service for improving Frontier Tele's dismal DSL service for going on 10 years. Check out the ALL EFVENTS page for notice of Thursday's public "event" over at the library. Hey, they're offering free vittles this time around.

April 8 Eclipse Day   Folk singer Pete Seeger had a nifty tune 70 years ago. His subject was a Mom telling her kids not to put beans in their ears. Today that's what the talking heads are all telling us, don't look at the eclipse!
  Now there's not many of us that bother to look at the sun on any day. When adults tell the wittle ankle biters to NOT do something, that's exactly what they do.
   Back in college, Economics Prof Arron Metz never looked at you squarely in the eyes. The reason was, as a kid he decided to look at an eclipse thru the bottom of heavy pop bottles. Even with those heavy lenses, he burned out the center of his eyeballs and for the rest of his life he had to use the sides of his eyes to see.
   As a kid, the Mel Gibson Look Alike filled up a #10 wash tube and decided to watch the reflection in the wawa. That worked pretty good until two of his buddies started to kicking the tin sides and made big ripples on the wawa surface. Made an interesting affect but as for viewing the total eclipse of the sun, not so good
   Here's the straight scope from the National Weather Service.
If you miss seeing this eclipse, the next one seen in the U S of A doesn't happen until March 2033

April 3 p Lizemore Elem will be closed on Thursday due to no juice in several areas.
   After talking with a couple folks from South of the Hartland bridge, turns out they're still without utilities. Tuesdays storm ripped up trees and tore down hanging wires in the section of the county.
  With Repubs in control of the Gold Dome, they managed to take a swipe at unemployment benefits. Remember who did the nasty deed come election day.
A mere 57 oil, gas, coal and cement producers are directly linked to 80% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.

April 2   9pm Our local Pentagon uses a bunch of high tech gadgetry. None of that works when tele, power, and internet service goes kurplunk.   Around 8:45 tonight the folks in charge cancelled schools for Wed April 3rd. That means parents will have to deal with their wards minus TV and internet games. Get this. Without those distractions, the ankle biters might have to find things creative to do.

April 2  8pm  Most of the County are in the dark right now. Frontier landline services including DSL, not so much right now. To get this post out on the web we're using a hot spot contraption via a cell phone. We have our storm article posted over on the ALL ARTICLES page.

April 2 2024 Just sitting here waiting for the big storm predicamentated for this afternoon... Thought back on now departed, long time School Boardster O Gene King. Many years ago there was a popular exercise program often held at area schools, Zumba. For some reason the Pentagon stopped providing a gym for the healthy classes. O Gene received tele calls from several of the women participants over the program loss. They were peed big time.
   During one Sch Bd meeting Gene asked about the problem. Not remembering the name Zumba, he started his questioning and called em "50 dancing fat ladies".  He brought the house down. Laughter was heard everywhere. Those were the days!
   There's a couple new morsels over behind the ALL ARTICLES button up above.

April 1 a We updated that taco giveaway. Free tacos today!

April 1 Last week was sun filled, blue skies, flowers bursting with color. We're starting this week with severe storm alerts from the National Weather Service. Got milk?
   About 125,000 West Virginians have been using a Biden program to get reduced price DSL connectivity. That's about to end in April. Gulp!
   Last month Dave Pierson handed out Chick-Fil-a meals to school bus drivers. More recently Mike Mullins handed out doughnuts to all the local schools and Pentagon. Both are seeking a lone seat on the School Board from District 2. Today, beginning around 10am, County Commission candidate Duane Legg will be handing out tacos on Main Street near the flower shop. His jingle is "taco about Clay concerns."
  And for this Monday morning, we're working on an article about the Town of Clay's Log Factory spewing out floaters from their Log Factory and getting caught by the DEP. They've been fined $150,000.00 for their desecration of the Elk River. It's not the first time for a big fine. Back when Arthur Jarrett was Mayor, they got caught producing a "plume" of crapola 150 feet wide into the Elk. Article coming soon.

March 30 a A month of more ago we started getting emails over one time Prosecutor Jeff Davis running for Magistrate after getting his law license yanked last year. To those emailers, no law license is required, it's the people's court. We've had people in office without even a high school diploma. Basically, Davis is a heck of a nice guy, would probably make a good neighbor, but a 24 karat screw up on so many fronts. And now, poor timing acknowledged, an additional year of his suspension to practice law has been added by the W Va Supreme Court.

March 27 2024  We've got an interesting little ditty over behind the All Articles button. Sounds like the start of a good investigation and one long overdue.
  Check out the ELECTION 2024 page for our newest announcement. This one comes from Bill McCourt who is running for Circuit Court Judge.
  And... Back on Oct 3 1952, thugs stopped and robbed a BC&G rail bus. It was the usual heist of wallets and jewelry until the bad guys took U S mail. That turned the caper into a Federal crime. We're trying to find details and maybe if anyone ever got caught or did time. How about an email if you can help us out.

March 23 2024  We're calling it Sign Gate. See All Articles button up above for an interesting wittle story

   Every year, gunshot wounds prevent hundreds of West Virginians from leading long, healthy lives. Around the same number of West Virginians die from gun wounds as from car crashes and fires combined. Guns were the third-leading cause of injury deaths in the state from 2016 to 2021, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. West Virginia leadership turned back a half million dollar grant designed to educate us on how not to kill ourselves. Nope nothing to take guns away, just safety stuff.
  There are a bunch of folks that think their all those immigrants coming into the country committ crimes left and right. That would be entirely WRONG. Read for yourself, decide for yourself.
   Oh yell, many of those same folks think that the overall crime rates in the U S of A have gone up. Dumb Dumb Dumb. Here's the facts.

March 21 2024 Walk over to our Elections page. Got something cute!

March 19 a  With the sun showing, flowers blooming, temps in the 50's, the retired ace cub reporter has been screwing off again. Look for posts later this evening.

March 14 a Slim Randles election year article is now published over on the All Articles page
  Last week a Calhoun County school bus turned over during an after school run injuring several kids. That brief and link is located down below. Here's the latest first hand update from MetroNews.
   When the Maga Repubs took control of the W Va Legislature and Governorship 8 years ago, everything changed and not in a good way. For the last 60+ days, those nasty folks came up with all kinds of lame brain bills they wanted passed. Fortunately most of that election year BS did not pass. Here's that update.

March 10 a For 70 years, Demorats were running the Legislative show under the Gold Dome. After a change in power, with the Repubs in charge for the last 8 years, they have managed to destroy almost everything passed for the people of the mountain state.
    Last night the 2024 Legislative session closed. Thank God for that.   Those last 60 days were some of the worst in W Va's history. Of all the problems in this State that need addressed, those Repubs are proudest of legalizing moonshine and tearing down W Va Public Radio. Sure can't forget about cutting back unemployment benefits!
  For those interested in the demolition of the old Newt Bragg house, we've added more pictures. That article is behind the ERTS button.
  Monday afternoon a Calhoun County school bus carrying 19 kids went out of control while at the hands of a drunk bus driver. There's been several news reports with some making national outlets. We noticed something in that coverage. There were no quotes from that County's School Bus Czar. Not a peep. It's as if he had his phone turned off!
March 7 a County Clay had another piece of history stolen this week with the demolition of the old Newt Bragg company house in Dundon. Located beside ERTS, it was one of the last standing company houses in County Clay.  That article and pics are behind the ERTS button at the top of this page.
   Magistrate candidate Ryan Thomas now has his candidate announcement article over behind the Election 2024 button.
   Since launching this new Clay Today website, a bunch of the old Clayberry clickers have found us. Like Tuesday morning when we posted the "HotSpot" blow out article on the local school system. By 11am Tuesday, instead of the normal morning 7 hits per hour average, 411 clickers read that article. That's 411 in one hour!
  That issue may be just the beginning of Superintendent Dobbins woes. The Superintendent is still diving into all the old administration files and forms. What happens when Team Dobbins finds other transgressions? Cover em up?
  What does it take for the State Suits to come back and make a real investigative audit, a real audit where they actually study between the lines. An audit that digs up say no bid contracts as perks for the good ole boys of old. Say, other decisions where the former Superintendent did not seek Board approval.
  And, since County Clay Schools continue to be in a probationary period from that last audit, how much more does it take for the States to pull the trigger, come in, and take us over?
 Dobbins and the entire Sch Bd know, they can't afford, can't afford any chance if caught covering up the dirt.   The magnifying glass is on em.   We're not out of the woods yet.

March 5 p For your edification, our write up on the $100,000 financial cluster at the Pentagon is now posted behind the ALL ARTICLES button at the top. Enjoy the read

March 5 a Tax returns are now coming your way. With that wad of cash in hand, why not check out Cunningham Motors for a great deal on transportation. They've got a new ad sheet available. Just click their button above.
  State govt often screws up wet dreams.
 For instance, over at Dundon is the lone remaining company house referred to as Newt Bragg's place.
  Beginning tomorrow, state contractors will bring in the heavy equipment and demolish the place. They plan to put something new there. Historic buildings are not important to those in charge. It's easier to wipe out history and put in a new but characterless replica.
  That house and out building are built from wide plank American Chestnut boards. Here's your chance to have a part of history. Get over there today, pull off the beautiful boards and have the history that the State Suits want no part of.

March 4 p  Our mention of COVID $$ misuse, fraud, waste, came down below on March 1st notes. We're not sure if the next article has ANYTHING to do with the Feds investigating West Virginia COVID funds but.... We have a big story coming on the local Sch Bd and previous Superintendent spending bunches of Fed dollars on a hot spot web system during the Pandemic. The problem is, all 201 of the units were never given the kids to improve their virtual learning opportunities. As a matter of fact the $41 per month wittle black boxes were never taken from the boxes or even unwrapped. NOT A ONE!
   And now, with the current board and Superintendent digging into old paperwork and smelling something stinky, the lenders want their $$$ returned. Full story coming in a day or so. We're talking $1000's from local coffers.
   Remember, the agreement was signed by whomever was Superintendent in the Spring of 2022. Now who could that have been?? Remember, that agreement must have been given the green light by Boardsters back in 2022. Now who could that have been?

March 4a 2024 
The West Virginia Division of Forestry is reminding residents that outdoor burning hours are now in place from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m., which is according to State Code Chapter 20-3-5.
   Today Gov Justice is less one nice helicopter. When you walk over there and read the MetroNews article, make note of:
shall take immediate steps to reprogram the Helicopter’s transponder to allow for inflight tracking.”
   Last week we lost a former teacher / administrator, Nancy Updegrave. Here's a mention from over on the HurHerald web portal.    We remember Nancy from the days of closing Ivydale Elem school. For that evening hearing, it was a packed house with many parents speaking out against the closure and replacing the building with an unneeded $9m+ facility. Nancy stood and gave the Sch Bd double H for a solid 10 minutes. She said she hadn't planned on speaking and her remarks were spur of the moment. The applause lasted a very long time. One lady sitting beside us commented: Damn! Think what it would have been like for she had prepared her remarks ahead of time!

March 1 If you had your eyes open during and after the COVID pandemic, you saw gazillions of misspent Federal dollars go in every direction. Fed. auditors are starting to look at the invoices. Under the direction of Gov Jim Justice, the State of West Virginia is on the hook for half a billion dollars that MUST be paid back. Gulp!
   All of us have heard Green Shirt stories of misdeeds and operating behind the Badge is inappropriate ways. Without a civilian review board in place, most of the crapola is kept quiet, swept under the rug. Here's a pervert firing (sort of) that is public thanks to good reporting.
   Slurry Pavers have hired locals for years to do hard work but with good pay. Here's their hiring announcement: 
Slurry Pavers is now hiring CDL Drivers, Road Mechanics, Equipment Operators and General Laborers for the upcoming construction season. All positions offer great starting pay with weekly overtime likely, full benefit package, 401(k), etc. Travel is required – transportation and lodging is provided. Home on the weekends / very occasional weekend work. Apply in-person at the Tales Of The Elk River Inn at 295 Main Street in Clay on Saturday, March 9th from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM or call 1-800-449-3662 for more information. Slurry Pavers, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer EEO/M/F/Disabled/Vet Employer & a Drug-Free Workplace.

Feb 28 late p  We've got our coverage from Tuesday night's School Board meeting posted. Walk up to the All Article button at the top of this page and click it. Pretty scary reading for sure.

Feb 27 p From the Associated Press and found in Sunday's Charleston Gazette: About 73% of American adults in 2022 lived in households where there was only wireless phones and no landlines. Barely 1% of households had landlines only. Compare that to 2003 when fewer than 3% of households had wireless phones and 95% of Americans lived in households with landlines
  Change has come to the U S of A!

Feb 27 early a For those wanting to read something more worthwhile than some social media post on Aunt Marge's ingrown toenail.....
    We have touted the worth of growing tourism for well over 20 years. Still, there are those dimly lits that think coal production was good for the county and will return at any time. Let's talk tourism .
   Green Shirts were formed to protect the Coal Barrens of old. Since then many have decided, Green Shirts are bad news. Here's a write up giving credence to those later views. Here's to 72 lawsuits.
   No over yet. The employees that did the right thing and reported the jack boot evil provided them, there's even more whistle blower suits in the works.
    From Abraham Lincoln: You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your Grandfather was.
   And from Abe: What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.

Feb 26 a Preliminary test scores are out from the County Clay School system. Bad is the only way to explain em. Like at Clay High, only 7% of the students can do math on grade level. We think behind the scenes, Superintendent Dobbins has been doing some arss chewing and making demands for a more rigorous class schedule or else.
   Our opening article is now posted over on the "All Articles" page. See above for the link.
   The next Sch Bd meeting should be a come to Jesus meeting where the High and Middle School Principals will either get their act together, make strong commitments to turn things around, or leave thru the back door.
   That meeting comes tomorrow, 5pm, at Clay High. Bring your own popcorn.

Feb 23 a Welcome to a damp gray Friday morning in County Clay. After meeting with Josh Shamblin Thursday afternoon, we have an update on Town Council blow up meetings. Just walk up above and click the all article button to see the new addition to the Feb 19th blow up article.
  Our Southern border colony, Clendenin, has a 100+ year history with the Union Carbide corporation. While cruising the web we came across this detailed history of Carbide and Clendenin.

Feb 21 early a  That military training place has become a great corporate partner here in the Land of Little. Interested in a good paying Summer job? actually a bunch of em available. CMI2 is interested in you.
    As requested by a clicker, we have added another article from yesteryear. This time, Oct 2009. Head up to the top of this page and click ALL ARTICLES.

Feb 20 a Last night that wittle fat guy managed to hit the wrong button and this site went South. We think it's back working as of 9am. If you see some kind of screw up (other than the operator of this site), let us know.
  Magistrate Rider's Feb 21st Docket

Feb 19 late p Town Leadership All Gone.
Jeff Davis now has his candidate announcement available to the world.

Feb 19 p Town of Clay Mayor Josh Shamblin resigned.... Town of Clay Office Manager Cindy Mullins resigned from duty. Without Ms Mullins, there are no full time office workers at Town Hall. Town Chief of Police Randy Holcomb was hired by Shamblin. With that Mayor gone, does that mean Holcomb is automatically out of  his job?
   An Emergency meeting was held this morning where Jason Hubbard was appointed Mayor.
   Complete article, full details,  later today.

Feb 19 a Some comments have arrived that disputes Boardster Susan Bodkins Yes vote to close the two grade schools. As we wrote in the article, on Sept 12th 2023 Ms Bodkins voted with the other four elected officials to proceed with the closing process. If you want to read and see for yourself, just head over to the County Clay School website and click the meeting minutes from that date. 
   Oh heck heck heck, those minutes are fibbing. Well, on that same link you will find the video from the gathering and hear for yourself, yelp, it was a 5 -0 decision.
   Since the Repub take over of the W Va Legislature some of the dumbest laws have passed. Much time has been wasted too. From the last week of dumber than a box of rocks voting, once again those dimly lits are trying to arm teachers, bus drivers and anyone else that wants to carry a sidearm in a school.
   This state has its hands full with those under the Gold Dome.

Feb 18 a We're still working to make this web portal a little easier to walk around. Like, last night we added a link at the top of this homepage that accesses all the posted articles.  Two days ago we added an election page where we  plan to keep all of that coverage. More links are comin soon. Any suggestions? Just email us.
   Here's the link to Magistrate Rider's Court docket for Feb 21st.

Feb 17 How about some snow scenes taken earlier today.
Also, go back over to Susan Bodkins article (Feb 15) and see the new info near the bottom of that page.

Feb 17 a Around 6pm last night heavy monster size snow flakes started dropping. Roads iced up quickly and pavement turned dangerous. This morning, many in the County reported four inches of the white stuff. Haven't heard any power outages yet but be aware.
  Go up to the ELECTIONS link at the top of this page to read about a major change on the Spring Ballots. Hint: Jim Samples ain't there no more.
  On that same link are new candidate announcements from Wesley Armes and Aaron Williams. Good reading for sure.

Feb 15 p For kids and teachers, they've got a great 3 1/2 day holiday coming. Schools let out three hours early tomorrow plus Monday is a holiday.
  We revised our Susan Bodkins blow out. Well worth a reread.
   If you look at the top of this Clay Today homepage, note the new link Election 2024. All the election related material will be posted there.
  Like, Magistrate candidate Scott Bass now has his candidate announcement and mug shot posted over there now. You are candidate for office? Such announcements are freebees. Everything else we charge out the butt. Email for details.

Feb 15 a Let's talk 24 carrot dumbarsses. Yelp we're referring to School Boardster Susan Bodkins and her dimly lit assault on about the only major company that came to Clay, set up a million dollar shop and then hired locals at darn good wages. Click here for the article.

Feb 14 a  Happy Valentine's Day one and all. How about an update on last night's Special Town Council meeting. As reported in the Feb 11th post (see below) the Feb 6th Council gathering got heated in short order. Last night, it was a Kum Ba Ya time for the elected folks. We will post that article tonight.
    It's not often County Clay gains a new business. It almost never happens that the new folks turn into big supporters of this county and get active with growing our 342 square miles. That has been the case with CMI2 over on the old Fola Coal strip mine site. The training center has done that during the last three years. Hiring several locals, hiring high school trainees, supporting community events, and using local contractors, that's a good indicator of a company trying to give us a leg up!
   Last night social media sites blew up with partial info on changes coming our way. The Russian meddling sites breathlessly provided all kind of guesses on the future of CMI2
  We waited til we got some facts: CMI2 is operating on leased land which is mostly in Nicholas County; the plan is to purchase the old Murphy orchard (400 acres); set up shop there; that property is all in County Clay; and, it's all going to happen within the next 6 months.
  As for all the other crapola you've read , here's the facts from the CMI2 press release.

Feb 13 a Heavy rain all night followed by a light dusting of snow this morning. County Clay schools are closed today
   If you want to go where the action is, try school basketball games. Friday during the So Harrison game (we won by 9) the place went wild with people getting tossed out. One lady provided the crowd , maybe just directed at the Panther Pit pep club, with a double barrel case of flipping the bird. That same lady came after Coach Krajeski but was subdued by school administrators.
  Not much different for a recent girl's game where questions were raised when a  male entered the girls locker room.
   Back to that Friday night Panther game, that was a the night with tons of biddy basketball players as the invited guests. With potty mouth screamed, birds flying, and people getting escorted out of the gym, the small fries got a real education on sports etiquette.

Feb 11 2024 Oh Boy, Something is going on over in Town Council land. Re read that Town Council meeting article. The agenda was changed. Gone is the secret time to hire a new worker. We think something is up at the least or or or Town Council just grew some gonads.
Worldwide, there were more than 11,000 reported deaths from COVID between mid-December 2023 and mid-January 2024, and more than half of those deaths occurred in the U.S.

Feb 10 2024 On this rainy morning we're looking back at DC leadership where Demorats presented a much tougher immigration law. Since Repubs lost support after taking women rights, they have been centered on stopping the flow at our Southern border. This week those poor Repubs killed that immigration bill dead in its tracks. They didn't want the Demo's to get credit!   Smokin Joe voted for the tougher standards while Capito stood with Trump and voted no.
  After the Great Wash Out of 2016, a local group formed to help locals recover. That group was a dismal failure. Here in County Clay they hired their own relatives for the jobs created and much of the funding went to their buddies.
  A Charleston group, VOAD, headed up by Jenny Gannaway came to many of the Clay meetings seeking all the local funds be directed to her group and involve VOAD for distribution of funds.
  After the Asst Director of VOAD got caught stealing the $1000's three months ago, Ms Gannaway is now retiring.  So questionable are the current allegations of mishandling of funds, the Kanawha County Commission just pulled back $50K in local funds.
We think there will be more on VOAD and Gannaway in regional news in short order.

Feb 9 2024
Things appear to be heating up in Town leadership land. Check out this juicy article we just posted.

Feb 7 p 2024 Cunningham Motors has their latest ad slick now available. It includes a tough to stick up Hummer. For a look see, just walk up above and click on the Cunningham button.
   For many years of the Communicator in print and later online, we have published Magistrate Dockets. About the time we were giving Mickey Boggs double H over the actions of the CAEZ, the Magistrate Boggs' docket stopped coming. We're proud to say, Magistrate Jeff Rider's dockets are back available to the public.

Feb 6 2024 With many seeking the two Sch Bd seats during the May Primary Election, candidate Kenneth Tanner pulled his name from the ballot Monday afternoon.
  During a political speak out in Washington, those seeking office again made mince meat of the billionaire social media owners. Ate em up! Something was missing, left out. Not one Suit made mention of parents not doing their job to limit online time. What happened to parent responsibilities?
  How many have said, if someone molests a child, they should have their thingy whacked off? Well.   K
azakhstan will surgically remove the genitals of the worst offending pedophiles under a new draft law. Here's the read.

Feb 5 2024  For those interested in the future of County Clay, IE: ERTS, we put a link from the old Clayberry site up near the top of this page. With that now working, you can go back and visit our four years of coverage and new postings including the one made public last night. Enjoy!
  For our trout fishing clickers, there's plenty of of the wigglers left in Buffalo Creek.

Feb 4 2024  Nothing feels better than stomping a rival foe.  Last night the CHS Panthers did just that by beating Roane County 42-34. Today the sun came out big time!

Feb 3 2024 Psst psst.. don't tell your neighbor but Buffalo Creek was stocked with trout on Thursday Feb 1st. You would have known that had you clicked that stocking button at the top of this page. To Heck with cleaning up the yard, the Sun is out, the sky is blue, and Tommy Trout is ready for you.
   How about absolute stupid on the part of State Govt. Cynical? This article should fit the bill

Feb 2 2024  Slim Randles: Dating on the Porch Swing

Feb 1 2024  Just as we're working to grow tourism in County Clay, stocking trout is on the way out. Sure we don't want to endanger some kind of wittle darter but Holy Smokes, trout fishing is big money.
   Also, we have a couple new candidate announcements on that link down below.

Jan 31 2024  On this last day of Jan, we're celebrating the first month of the new web portal, Today N Clay. It's a completely different format than the old Clayberry. We haven't worked out all the bugs nor have we added all the links up above. But, we're started and at a pace that retired guy can manage and still have enough time to goof off.
   If you have suggestions, comments, email em over. Well, any suggestion other than: Go back into retirement. AW

Jan 31 2024 James Rodney Bailes Obituary

Jan 30 2024 Vernon Morris Obituary

Jan 30 pm 2024 Way up at the top is the OBIT link over to the local funeral home. When other Obits arrive we plan to list them on individual pages.
 We are also accepting candidate announcement articles for any and all seeking office.

2024 Primary Candidate Announcement Page

Jan 30 2024  Back when we had a local newspaper, the Communicator staff would go over to the Magistrate Clerk's office and write down all the entries. Now all those transgressions are available via the internet 24 / 7. For those interested just bookmark this link for future reference. Once you walk over there just go to the "case ID" space and type in "24-M08M-0000". The 24 is the year. The 08 is the digital name for County Clay. Where you typed in the 0000 change that last 0 to 1 for the first 10 entries. Then retype that 1 to a 2 for the next 20 entries. So forth and so on...
  Or, if you know the bad person's first and last name, slide on down that search page and type that in.

Jan 29 More Candidates file for Election   **** Updated 11pm Jan 29th

Jan 29 Pointed Chatter from 2009

Jan 25 8pm We've added several new candidates for the May Primary. See the Election Season article below. Also on that coverage is a campaign flyer 1940. Interesting stuff.

Jan 25 2024  Drizzle is in the air with temps in the 40's and 50's. 99% of the snow has melted away leaving the entire county a soggy mud hole. Last night the CCHS Panthers pulled off a win over Richwood (70 to 61) and did so minus the CCHS AWOL Coach. We don't think he quit or got fired, he's just not showing up for paid duty. CCHS Athletic Director Shawn Krajeski is handling coaching duties for now.
 Last day to register to run for elected office is this Saturday. Interested? We need thinking leadership. How about you. See our election article for who's running for what.

Jan 24 2024 It's Election season 2024

Jan 22 2024   Mass Turn Out at Commission Meeting

Jan 21 2024    Word came around 6pm today that County Clay schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay Monday Jan, 22nd. For those a far, many, maybe most, county roads remain snow covered. With temps dropping to hover around zero tonight, that should turn the side roads into ice by Monday morning.
  Back when we had a county newspaper, we followed the County Commission closely. While those days have been gone since Nov 22nd 2023, tomorrow afternoon at 5pm the CCC will vote on the last agenda item, who will receive the free rent over at the old Nutrition Site in Two Run. Commissioner Dave Schoolcraft has been the controversial lead on the building, remodeling the building, and then what to do with the place, .... might be an interesting meeting to attend.

  Over the weekend we added some of the most commonly used links up at the top of this homepage. More will appear as this new web portal gets fully up and running. Be sure to check out the animal fun facts. Well worth the walk!

Jan 20 2024 Headlines Revisited

Jan 19 3pm 2024 8 Solid Inches of White

Jan 19 2024 Old Chatters and a Rant

Jan 18 6pm: Word just spread that County Clay schools will be closed on Friday Jan 19th. If you open your door just a little you could hear kids screaming with joy. Ditto for school personnel. Not so much for parents.
  Weathercasters are calling for more moderate temps, lower winds, and around 6 inches of the white powder to build up over the next 36 hours.   Should be beautiful.

Jan 18 2024 Sch Bd Phoebe's Backbone

Jan 17 2024 2012 Poopster Letter

Jan 16 2024 More Snow!

Jan 14 2024 Old Headlines

Jan 14 2024 Faces In Clay

Jan 11th CCC in Review

New Beginning Article

    All rights (and lefts) reserved and revenged., DELTA, Today N Clay, and Clayberry are registered trademarks of no-one and would probably be stolen and used by someone else  if they had any real value (but they don't). Void where prohibited by law, not valid in most states, tag should only be removed by the consumer, don't drink and drive in front of cops, use no hooks, keep out of reach of miners or other people who work underground, shake before use, pass gas with caution, keep all hands and appendages inside the vehicle at all times, do not stand up until the ride has come to a complete stop, post no bills, enter at your own risk, no parking in the white zone, slow traffic use right lane, no U turn, please add $4.95 for shipping and handling, no CODs , Visa, Master card and American Express are credit cards. caution filling is hot, please don't flush applicator down the toilet, rinse and repeat, spread evenly over affected area, prolonged use may cause urinary discomfort, dispose of properly.


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