Jan 22 2024

County Commission convened a 5pm meeting on Jan 22nd. By
meeting time, upwards of 50 taxpayers were in attendance.
For the most part, Clayonians refuse to attend public
meetings. It takes something real special to get em out on a
sunny day. On the 22nd, the side roads were still ice
covered with snow blanketing the hillsides. What was so
special did you ask?

what brought em out.
Just above is a pic of the old nutrition site in Two
Run. Last Summer word spread on the streets that the dynamic
duo of Commissioner Joyce Johnson led by Dave Schoolcraft,
they had been working magic behind the scenes, they were up to
something. In a nutshell, and according to voices spoken
during CCC meetings, the Duo was working in lock step to do
$30,000 in repairs on the place minus the required by law,
bidding process; planning to sell the place (or at least
rent the place to a favorite buddy); and, busting several laws
including, renting to a for profit company and "stringing"
invoices to aid in the quiet process.
Word got out none the less. Commissioner Schoolcraft
learned real quick, he and Joyce were up against wet hens, AKA
women in the county that weren't taking his antics for
granted. In other words, Schoolcraft had peed off the wrong
At the lead for the protest was Donna Salisbury who had
just received funding for a new social service provider, Clay
Family Resource Support Center (CFRSC).
When people do show up, they normally vent their
frustrations and then go home never to be heard of again. The
CCC likes it that way.
Salisbury was, is, different. For nearly a year she
kept up the in their face assault in the old style business as
usual. During some meetings she asked the Duo for facts. At
others she showed up with public information that normally
hides under the radar. For this Jan 22nd gathering, Salisbury
made a plea to her friends to come out and show support for
doing things above board and for the benefit of County Clay.
It worked. Around 50 people sat there in support.

Commissioner Connie Kinder

County Clerk Sheila Stone (L), Commissioner Joyce Johnson
For this meeting, Commission Prez Dave Schoolcraft
participated via a speaker phone. Agenda item 9 was a vote
to decide on which non profit would get to use the recently
remodeled nutrition site as their operation center. The main
contender was of course CFSC plus long standing mental
service provider, Prestera based in Charleston.
In the hot seat with all eyes on em, without
discussion or comment, CFSC received all three votes and the
dust settled. Dave and Joyce had averted a hanging! Applause
was heard and a few Yeas in the peanut gallery
The entire meeting was over in just 9 minutes, almost
a record!
Other important things were voted on . Like, number 8
was a vote to hire ZMM Architects to complete the interior
of the the Judicial Annex building beside the
Courthouse. It will take millions to make the space usable.
It's also the place that flooded during the 2016 Great Wash
Out damaging the 911 Center already located in the nearly
vacate building.
We haven't mentioned the third Commissioner,
Connie Kinder who is up for reelection this year. On many
occasions, Kinder has spoken up on doing govt business above
board. At other times it is Kinder that has made public
those "sticky" problems. For this meeting when
things actually went "kosher", we saw senior Commission
Kinder grin. Nice!
Readers, when your house flooded in 2016, were
you provided Fed $$ to rebuild in the same place? Didn't
think so.
Note: We told you back on Nov 22nd that we were
shutting down the Communicator and Clayberry website. We did
it to. But, when something juicy is in the works and someone
tells us about it ahead of time, we can't help but come out
and watch elected leaders squirm.