Town Council /
Mayor A Handful
Feb 9 2024
Town of Clay Mayor Josh
Shamblin may have his hands full when it comes to who does
the hiring process. But first some background for
our new clickers.
For decades. Clay Town Council was made up of
elected folks that did little to nothing. They showed up
for meetings, grabbed their check, and little else
happened. Serious issues were not addressed for months, if
ever. Needless to say that made progress... not so much.
For instance when the new bestest yet high
tech Log Factory (sewer plant) was approved, the sitting
Council must have never looked at the paperwork. In plain
black and white, that plant was built for twice (600) as
many customers that even exist today. A too large a plant
means operating costs are exorbitant. Council and the
Mayor back then just gave the thumbs up without a thought.
A few years later that high tech marvel was
spewing out a plume of untreated logs into the Elk River
for weeks... until the EPA caught em and fined the Town
$50,000.00 for their transgression. Again,
Council was not reading their monthly reports or even
looking at that 150 yard wide swath of lumpy water. As
much can be said for the Mayor back then, Arthur Jarrett.
During COVID times, a stronger Mayor, Jason
Hubbard, was appointed after Mayor Bev Whaling got her
thangy in the wringer during the 2016 "Ape in High Heels"
regional scandal. Hubbard set about to clean up the
operations including the use of purchase orders to tighten
purse strings.
Now for now.
Last Summer Town voters tossed out most of
the old guard Council persons and installed three new
folks on Council. It has taken the newbees a while
to figure out what they are suppose to do, what they can
do, and what's kosher. During that eight month learning
curve Mayor Shamblin handled some duties normally
reserved for Council. For instance, hiring employees.
There's the background.
We no longer attend public meetings on any kind of
regular basis. But. Based on phone calls, emails, and
chatter on the street corners, We think last week's
Council meeting got heated,feisty, with fingers pointed,
during secret time. We think at least one of the newbee
Council persons piped out: Hold it Mayor, Council should
be doing the hiring and not you. Rallying to the battle,
the Mayor may have performed in a poor fashion if he said:
It's none of your business who I hire!
Whatever the case, feathers were, are
The issue.
As best we can tell, Mayor Shamblin decided
to hire that above mentioned Bev Whaling back and this
time to be an office clerk. Maybe because of the
controversy in 2016 (Trump election), or maybe because she
was pretty much forced into resigning her Mayor
slot, or maybe, just maybe, A Council person or two are
spreading their wings for the first time and told Mayor
Shamblin: I ain't voting for your choice.
After that heated Feb 6th secret time, no vote was
taken on the Mayor's pick for the office opening.
Enter Special Meeting time

Notice the wording, "Personnel Exception"
followed by "vote to hire".
So the question is, what do the rules (law) say on
who hires at a municipality?
As best we can figure there are three types of
municipality operations. One is called a strong mayor
management system. Another is a strong council set up. And
finally, larger towns, cities, use a strong Town Manager
So what does the Clay Municipality have? The
correct answer is, none of the above.
When the founding fathers, that would be the
W Va Legislature, gave us our charter, they forgot to
include hiring practices. Ditto for the existing Articles
of Incorporation nor established Town Ordinances.
What ta do What ta do.
In situations like we're in, the standing policy is
to use "historical practices". That means, Council does
the hiring except for one position, Chief of Police, which
by law falls to a Mayor no matter what.
Up above is the agenda for a special meeting of
Council. That action item Secret Time- Personnel
Exceptions, that' troubling.
The Mayor may be in a peeing battle with Council.
Or worstest yet, thinking he had hiring power by the short
hairs, maybe the Mayor already promised the position to
his own pick.
In either case, Mayor Shamblin may be in a hot
One other note just for the heck of it. If Council
bends their noodle backs, a new ordinance has to be penned
allowing for a mayor to do the hiring. There is no mention
of any such new ordinance on the agenda. That personnel
exceptions.... it sure doesn't mean to vote in secret for
a new ordinance!
And finally for this edition of Life in County
Clay,walk back up to that special meeting agenda. Are you
back? Good.
For an agenda, any agenda, to be lawful, it must
include date, time, place, and purpose for the meeting. Do
you see any time on that agenda.
It's the town Recorder's job to draw up and post
meeting agendas. Melody Hubbard is the Recorder. Before
you start finger pointing....
Something is different on that above agenda.
Normally when Hubbard does the agenda, you can see her
initials at the bottom. There are no initials on that
special agenda.
We're guessing again but, we think a stomping his
feet mad Mayor typed up the agenda and forgot to include
the much needed time.
AW end
Feb 11 2024

Sometime after we snapped a pic of that first agenda,
this second agenda appeared. That original agenda, Poof!
It disappeared. That second agenda, quite different
don't you think? Our article heading mentioned "a
This second agenda appears to be well styled and
initialed by the Recorder, and comes minus ANY
mention of a secret time or an actual vote on a new
We were guessing that the stomping his feet Mayor
put up the first agenda. There is wittle doubt now.
How about some additional guesses. Here
goes. We think who ever Mayor Shamblin wanted to slide
into a paid job, he has lost his quorum and that won't
be happening. Just a guess but stick it to your frig.
And finally, look at that third item on who
can be "involved" in a secret time. Keep in mind, we
were not at the Feb 3rd meeting but putting a couple
things together, invited into that secret time, that
would be Randy Holcomb who serves as a Town Badge.