Feb 19 2024

    So far, there have been three Council meetings held in Feb 2024. Let's recap...
  On Feb 6th, during a regular monthly meeting of the group, things got heated during secret time. We weren't there (we're not regularly attending public spectacles) but that heated part came from the mouth of Mayor Josh Shamblin. The word we got was, Shamblin wanted to hire his pick, to be an office worker, to work with Office Manager Cindy Mullins.  During that secret time, Council persons grew some backbone and told the Mayor, we make those decisions, not you. Shamblin must have gotten a little huffy with people challenging his leadership.
  A few days after the meeting, Shamblin told us, he did not have a favorite person selected and no he did not tell that person they already had the job. County Clay is what it is and in short order, others had passed around, Shamblin was fibbing, that he had already made a promise without Council agreement.
 On Feb 13th,  a special meeting was called to iron out the fray. Oddly, two agendas were posted on the meeting house door. See below. Notice how very different the agendas are.
  We did attend that Feb 13th meeting where the second agenda was followed. At first it sounded like a Kum Ba Yah meeting where everybody was walking in lock step harmony. Listening a little deeper, that wasn't the case. As each speaker made their point(s), they weren't making a request, they were making a matter of fact, statement. Translation: Mayor here's how we're going to run the show.
Tomp your feet Tomp your feet

    The Mayor had his thang in the wringer, didn't like it, and after a few days to think things over  Josh Shamblin bailed out of elected office. In our opinion, he had had enough of a couple Councilperson and told himself, I don't need this.
   We think that resignation letter came to Town Hall sometime late Friday night, Feb 16th.

Sorry it's fuzzy but just above is his resignation letter

   By Monday morning, Feb 19th, a holiday for many govt workers, not only had Shamblin resigned but so had Office Manager Cindy Mullins. Additionally, it is our belief, when the Mayor departs, so does the Chief of Police. That would be Randy Holcomb. Any new mayor could put Randy back behind a Badge but.. as of right now, we think Holcomb is out of a job.
   In small town America, a change of leadership is big medicine
   Ms Mullins handled all the paperwork, all the employee checks, paying bills, answering correspondence and greeting the public. With Cindy Mullins out of there, everything stops. That includes the office which is now closed until newbees are hired. Then there's the issue of getting replacements trained and functioning.
   On the Feb 19th all Council persons were present during an early morning emergency meeting where all voted to appoint Jason Hubbard to be the acting Mayor.
   Hubbard has been appointed before to a Councilperson slot followed by Mayor in 2016. He knows how Town govt works. He has a good achievement record too.
   That's all we've got so far. Will update as we get it.
   If you're looking for a job, there is an office manager and office worker position to be filled. Get your resume in ASAP. Note: Manager Mullins was hired at $44,000 per year plus benefits and vacation.

Feb 22nd Update:  We had a sit down with Josh Shamblin Thursday afternoon. He told us we've got our story a little goofy. For the record:
  The job of Mayor takes a bunch of time and with him working full time at his day job, there ain't enough time to go around.  All the extra stress does affect his health.
  Absolutely, ain't no way, Bev Whaling was NOT promised the job as office asst. That, Council has to vote on such a hire. Shamblin told us he did not even endorse Whaling or anybody else for the opening.
   As for Office Manager Cindy Mullins shaggin' out, Shamblin knew she had a line on a new job before the blow out Council meetings.
  There, now you have the former Mayor's side of the article.