November 2008

  • Nov. 30 p  After a four day hiatus of stuffing, blotting, and takes power naps,  it's time to try and get back in the groove.
  • Nov. 30 p For a short week, it was eventful.
  • Nov. 30 p We've been following the 180 degree shift in terrorist plots in Bombay. Not some pipe bomb and fanatic willing to blow himself up, but an orchestrated attack on Westerners with an angle to further tear apart foreign relations. What Dubbya hasn't achieved in eight years......  After four days of CNN coverage, is anyone else wondering CIA?
  • Nov. 30 p Locally, we headed to the woods for the annual Blast Bambi fun fest. Dads and sons/daughters came close together one more time. Nasty rain and cold temps brought many back home or to Go Mart by mid day Monday.
  • Nov. 30 p There have been 4,516 coalition deaths -- 4,202 Americans, two Australians, one Azerbaijani, 176 Britons, 13 Bulgarians, one Czech, seven Danes, two Dutch, two Estonians, one Fijian, five Georgians, one Hungarian, 33 Italians, one Kazakh, one Korean, three Latvians, 22 Poles, three Romanians, five Salvadoran, four Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, two Thai and 18 Ukrainians -- in the war in Iraq as of November 21, 2008, according to a CNN count.
  • Nov. 30 p On Wednesday word came that the Town of Clay had been awarded $199,980 to spruce up  downtown with new sidewalks, lights, benches, and divert rain water from the sewer line. Only thing left is for Council to get in a fight on how to waste the $$$ and who gets credit. The correct answer to the later is, Fran King wrote the grant.
  • Nov. 30 p Turkey Day brought the rest of family together under mild conditions. We stuffed our faces twice too much and told stories from old. Friday Saturday and Sunday we continued with left overs. Finally even Fido was stuffed with the leavings.
  • Nov. 30 p We bee-lined to Charleston and Summersville for Black Friday Christmas deals. Only one problem. With credit cards maxed out, the cash didn't go very far.
  • Nov. 30 p With weather improved, more trucks were seen sporting bucks. Four wheelers in the back were covered with mud. Smiles were everywhere.
  • Nov. 30 p Last week came word on changing of the guard. Sue Whitely has been Magistrate Clerk for decades. She's retiring Dec 30th. Quietly Trish Triplett was selected as her replacement. Around the corner people were scratching their heads on the job opening could come and go without public notice. Old timers commented, that's just how it's done in Clayberry.
  • Nov. 30 p Well, No. Magistrate Clerks and the Head Clerk are not county jobs but in the WV Supreme Court system. The county has no say in the process. As we understand it, it's the Circuit Judges who make the decision.
  • Nov. 30 p There is something else to think about. Now we're not lawyers (always aspired to loftier positions) but ...
  • Nov. 30 p A couple weeks ago the School Board hired School Boardster Ric Tanner's wife to be the secretary at Big Odor Elem.  Jim Dawson is also on the School Board and his wife is employed there.
  • Nov. 30 p Check out this 2007 West Virginia Ethics Decision on School Boardster having  a wife in the system. The way we read it, it can't be done. Either the spouse or the Boardster has to leave. No exceptions.
  • Nov. 30 p Yeah yeah yeah, when the Board votes on the hire, the Boardster in question refrains from voting. Won't work! The Ethics opinion  is based on a 1974 Court case.
  • Nov. 30 p If you want something to talk about, there it is, plan and simple, black and white
  • Nov. 30 p Buck season is only half over. Sunday morning, out of county, out of state, new to the area, those returning on family lands, filled up gas tanks, bought more food, dried clothes at the laundromat, ate in fast food restaurants, ... they spent money and lots of it. Reason? One of the few things the Commission got right, Clay County allows Sunday hunting on private property. Hunters and families spent another night in the county having fun and spending money.
  • Nov. 30 p Friday night the Big Otter Community Center filled up with dancers for good music. Saturday night, the BDA consignment Auction attracted 50 or so in search of a good deal. It also provided a place to take your junk in hopes of fetching a little pocket change for the consignees. It's working. About as many smiles and junk!
  • Nov. 30 p  Lets see now, a couple blocks of new sidewalks, lights, and benches in downtown, Lake Sampson, the mighty Elk River, an excursion train ride, dirt track racing, a campground, outdoor music shows, summer time holiday celebrations, Sunday hunting, and miles and miles of curvy road driving pleasure.
  • Nov. 30 p Sounds like 2009 might be the best year yet for new tourism dollars in the land of little.
  • Nov. 27 a The Best of Holiday Wishes to each and every. Go Mart remains open with a good supply of Rolaids
  • Nov. 27 a  Roy Dwight Knapp, 69, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 26 p  A couple notes from this morning's CCC meeting and then back to getting ready for T Day
  • Nov. 26 p Before the County Commission was a motion to OK a state tax department decision for tax reductions on the Vera G Reed 34 mineral acres from $82,488 down to $28.00. Nice tax cut! County Commission said no way.
  • Nov. 26 p Commissioner elect Mike Pierson was in attendance for some of today's meeting before skedaddling.
  • Nov. 26 p  Coal folks have been busy copying County Clerk records. Word on the street has it there will be a big transfer of ownership announced in Dec.
  • Nov. 26 p Sue Whitely has been the Magistrate Clerk for about 50 decades. She's retiring from the state job Dec 31st. Quietly Trish Triplett from the Assessor's office has been unofficially selected to replace Ms Whitely. Any hire, especially those done behind the scenes, is controversial in Clayberry. Stuff like who would be better qualified and who knew who.
  • Nov. 26 p Like, who will be hired to replace Triplett. This county has a nepotism policy in place forbidding the hire of a close relationship. Folks like your Mother, Dad, brother, sister..   With jobs hard to find and those with good benefits are even harder to get, keep your ear to the ground.
  • Nov. 26 p Mayor Brown is one happy camper. He just received the thumbs up on a $200,000 Federal grant to repair sidewalks, add park benches, and lighting, and to fix storm sewer problems.
  • Nov. 26 a Men, here comes the toughest day of the year. It's the day before Thanksgiving.
  • Nov. 26 a Today you either hide (only makes it worse) or do what she says and get it over with.
  • Nov. 26 a  With family coming tomorrow, today is the day we have to: replace those burned out light bulbs; take all those boots off the stairway and from behind the door; remove all the deer guts off the front porch
  • Nov. 26 a all those old newspapers you've been saving, they got to go; those magazines, you know the ones, they have to be hid,  the shovels, hoes, picks, garden hose, beer cans, all that stuff leaning against the house, move it!  the bugs you smashed against the window, get out the Window cleaner stuff, that front closet stuffed with Carhart bibs, overalls, coats, gloves, and such, you got to clean it out to make room for guest jackets.
  • Nov. 26 a  Think you're done? Wrong. The dog poop in the driveway has to be scooped up or smashed deeper into the gravel; those lawn chairs strewn around the yard, the old battery, both gas cans, the broke down lawn mower and tiller, they all got  ta go.
  • Nov. 26 a Think it's nap time at 2:30? Think again. Wifey has lots more for you to do. When she tells you, if you huff any at all, going to be a cold winter fellas.
  • Nov. 26 a For those of us that try to get out the door super early today, pleading something important to do like changing the air in the spare tires or checking the radiator bearings.. it only make it worse!
  • Nov. 26 a  The young man from came running into the store and said to his buddy: "Bubba, somebody just stole your pickup truck from the parking lot!" Bubba replied: "Did you see who it was?"  The young man answered: "I couldn't tell, but I got his license number."
  • Nov. 26 a   The Sheriff pulled up next to the guy unloading garbage out of his pick-up into the ditch. The Sheriff asked: "Why are you dumping garbage in the ditch? Don't you see that sign right over your head?" "Yep", he replied; "that's why I'm dumpin it here . . .  it says 'Fine For Dumping Garbage'."
  • Nov. 26 a We're taking a couple days off. Have a Nice Turkey Day
  • Nov. 25 p Was Fola's Gary Patterson fired or just working out a two week notice? Stopped at the guard shack and was told no to going to his office, we'll pack your personal belongings and get them to you, and, leave the company truck right where it is.
  • Nov. 25 p You decide
  • Nov. 25 p County Commission meets Wed morning at 10 am. Big long two page agenda too
  • Nov. 25 p Cold wet weather brought many hunters out of the woods early on Monday. Today's weather was much better. Around town, many SUVs, pick up trucks, and pull behinds sported Bambi with its tongue dangling out.
  • Nov. 25 p Clay County normally operates at a slow pace. This week, it's even slower, first gear if not granny gear. For all intent and purpose, the county is shut down. Kind of nice!
  • Nov. 25 p All of a sudden , was thinking of the late Norman D Wilson whose birthday would have been yesterday. Norman would often say: My name is Norman D. The D is for dumbarss.
  • Nov. 25 p For an old guy, his ideas were inventive. It was his idea and project to build the restrooms at Spread Park, to build four river access points along the Elk River, and set up a Business Development Authority committee to study an excursion train ride to Widen.
  • Nov. 25 p Wilson knew the county and politics well. When the ace cub reporter ran for County Commission, it was Wilson who predicted Waddell would get 1000 votes. When the dust settled, Waddell had garnered 1071 votes.
  • Nov. 25 p When the ace cub repoter took the CCC and Ambulance Authority to Court for violating Open Meeting Laws, it was Norman that helped bankroll the effort.
  • Nov. 25 p Still miss Norman D
  • Nov. 24 late p   Peggy Ann Bird, 61, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 24 late p the Communicator is now on news stands in four counties. Lead story deals with large people and the problems they have like finding a place to sit.
  • Nov. 24 late p Fola Coal Prez Gary Patterson was fired late last week. How sudden was the decision? They told him to get out of the company truck and find his own way home.
  • Nov. 24 late p Just a few weeks ago Fola Coal and Clay Commissioner Jerry Slinkinooooger were in the news fabricating info on how important Fola is to our local economy. Under oath Slinky said we derive 60% of our tax base from that one operation. Truth is, about 18%.
  • Nov. 24 late p Patterson is out of here. Who's next?
  • Nov. 24 late p Ever wonder what the number one hit song was on the date of your birth. Wonder no more. Here's a web site providing just that. Should work for anybody but Johnny Wofter who was born before music was invented.
  • Nov. 24 p  Raining cats and dogs with many spots of ice. State Road crews are already treating the roads with several wrecks reported.
  • Nov. 24 p Deer Hunters are soaked to the bone.
  • Nov. 24a  First day of Buck season
  • Nov. 24 6:50 am, over the scanner: need an ambulance for a 13 year old with gun shot wound to the wrist.
  • Nov. 23 p Lots of housing buys out there now. Thinking of buying a foreclosed house? Here's some answers.
  • Nov. 23 p Ever wonder how they get that big Christmas tree erected at Rockefeller Center?
  • Nov. 23 p Strapped for cash, GM is on the brink of bankruptcy. It's a dramatic shift for a car company that had begun to right itself after decades of trouble. So what happened?
  • Nov. 23 p Some emailers are asking, where's the news? The answer is, Clayberry is in deer mode and thinking, doing little other than getting ready to blast Bambi.
  • Nov. 23 p Around the county, four wheelers are seen in the back of pick ups. New Carhart coats and bibs are being sported about. Beer sales are up. Paying utilities bills will be put off until after the holidays. After weeks of baiting, feeding, and setting up deer stands, we're ready to head out in the morning with Howitzers in hand and have a bunch of fun. Weather seems to co-operating this year too.
  • Nov. 23 p According to one emailer, all the problems are over, Dick Cheney is taking Obama De Bama hunting in the morning!
  • Nov. 23 p It's been very quiet this last seven days. Too quiet as a matter of fact. Make one wonder what's going on that we don't know about.
  • Nov. 23 p There was the big tax auction on Monday where Dave Pierson purchased the old Telford Chevy building for pennies on the dollar. Why? Most likely so the Clay Fire Dept can end up with the building for a firehouse. So sad to see the property become non profit and away from a good tax base generating business.
  • Nov. 23 p Last night's BDA Auction at the old State Road garage brought out a good crowd. It's beginning to be the place to be on a Saturday night in County Clay. Two legged tables, dented furniture, froze up freezers, and other stuff you just got to have!
  • Nov. 23 p  Communicator comes out Monday afternoon around 4pm. No updates until we get it to bed.
  • Nov. 22 a from the email bag: My brother Andy Harrison and his Wife Tracy Harrison had their baby very early this morning. It's a girl!  I believe she weighed 7 1/2 pounds. They named her Brianna Brooke (not sure I spelled that right). I pray that you are all doing well. God bless you all and I miss you very much, Jennifer Anderson
  • Nov. 22 a This morning at 8a, 16 degrees in Clayberry.
  • Nov. 22 a Look around the yard, shed, barn, .. see a bunch of junk? Tonight's a good time to get rid of that junk and make some jingle for your pocket during the Consignment Auction. See EVENTS page.  By the way, they've got four big heaters in the buildings to knock off the chill.
  • Nov. 21 p From the email bag:  Sometime wednesday evening my dog got loose and can't find her  we live in Two Run .She is a 3 month old Blue Pit Bull. Her  name is DEE DEE. If anyone has saw her please call  304 5972098.  She is Blue with a small white patch on her chest area and white spots on feet .Small scar on right side of her head.
  • Nov. 21 p This afternoon at 5:30p the Library Board meets to go over applicants for the  Library Director job vacated months ago. Public meeting and a good heater and soft seats.
  • Nov. 21 p Don't say there's nothing to do in Clayberry. Tonight there's Basket Bingo at Amma and great music at Big Otter Community Center
  • Nov. 21 p Those BDA consignment auctions are now weekly at the State Road garage
  • Nov. 21 p  Great big free gobbler dinner Sunday afternoon at the High School.
  • Nov. 21 p Full details over on the EVENTS page.

  • Nov. 21 p  For all of us who are seniors:  "Where IS my SUNDAY paper?" The irate customer called the newspaper office loudly demanding to know where her Sunday edition was. "Ma'am," said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow... on Sunday."   There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a ray of recognition, as she was heard to mutter,  "Well, crap, so that's why no one was at church today."
  • Nov. 20 p Wake temp this morning was right at freezing. Compared to Tues's 17 degrees, it felt like banana boat weather. We are now climatized for winter
  • Nov. 20 p Happy Birthday Brad Lane
  • Nov. 20 p From the email bag:  The organizers of the Brad McLaughlin Benefit would like to express their grateful appreciation to very church, business, organization, and individual who contributed in any way to the success of our effort. It is gratifying to know that there are so many caring and generous people in Clay County. Thank You.
  • Nov. 20 p We're holding up The Communicator until Monday.  Deadline for submissions is Friday night. How about some chatters on SARAH or Big Odor or Obama De Bama or whatever's on your mind. Emails work best for us.
  • Nov. 20 p We pride ourselves on being free, to do as we please.
  • Nov. 20 p The government has taken over banking. No freedom there
  • Nov. 20 p The government has taken over insurance. No freedom there
  • Nov. 20 p  Now it looks like the Feds will have another $25 billion hand in the auto industry.
  • Nov. 20 p So much for independence
  • Nov. 20 p All the county schools served up a turkey dinner today and invited parents. Haven't received any Big Odor emails so far this afternoon.
  • Nov. 20 p  The Library Board meets again Friday afternoon where the agenda calls for going over those long stalled resumes for Library Director. Public meeting and nice soft seats. Great fun tomorrow night and free too.
  • Nov. 20 p Yes it's quiet in Clayberry.
  • Nov. 19 p  Brrrr 17 degrees this morning in Clayberry.  THis time last week we had shirt sleeve weather and no cares on splitting firewood or checking the antifreeze.
  • Nov. 19 p Happy Birthday Breanne Salisbury
  • Nov. 19 p Yesterday's school system screw up on getting the school's closed notice out to the public brought some emails. Here's an excerpt:  Sarah woke us up this morning around 5 AM to inform us of the 2 hour delay.  We usually rely on the tube or this site for school information.  It's pretty convenient to log onto the computer just before you get the kids out of bed, but not today.  Yes, this site was slow this AM too.  Kids went down the hill with Dad in the mini van, cell phone in hand.  Sarah called the second time, just before 10 AM, to inform us of the closing. I had to relay the message via cell phone to the mini van and everyone came back up the hill.  Just not sure about Sarah?  Had I not been home today the call would have been missed and the crew would have sat in the van until someone got the idea that the bus was not running out our way, then they would have driven to the old fork in the road to meet the bus and there they would have sat (no cell service there).  Really not sure about Sarah
  • Nov. 19 p The emailer was referring to the new automated tele system for informing the public, SARAH.
  • Nov. 19 p Next week is buck season. Schools are closed all week. It's a sacred tradition to head out to the woods and try your luck at killing Bambi.
  • Nov. 19 p With yesterday a day off school, most expect an announcement along the lines of: that snow day will be made up Monday Nov. 24th. There is no mention of that on the Clay School Web Site. So far, just scuttlebutt.
  • Nov. 19 p Whether school is in session one day next week of not, it doesn't matter. Kids, parents, uncles, aunts, gramp's, have all decided, nobody is going to class no matter what.
  • Nov. 19 p A little over a year ago, the county sported one car  dealership, Telfords.  With bankruptcy filing, the place closed down.  A short time later, according to court filings, Dave Pierson showed interest in reopening the place. Never happened. Telford Cruickshanks remains in bankruptcy proceedings as well as a lawsuit with another guy that was interested in purchasing the dealership but crapped out.
  • Nov. 19 p During Monday' tax auction, Pierson bought the place for $2800. Often the original owners pay off the tax debt plus fees and retains ownership. Sometimes they don't, making for tremendous bargains.  Sometimes behind the scenes deals are made. Considering the size of the building, location, and lot, the place has to be worth $300,000 at the very least.
  • Nov. 19 p Some members of the Clay FD have shown an interest in buying the place for a new firehouse. Others are opposed due to the size of a mortgage and the falling down condition on one end of the place (built on fill, mostly junk cars underneath)
  • Nov. 19 p The Fire department already owns two buildings beside the new Courthouse which housed the old PSD office and a hardware. They've been trying to sell those buildings to the Commission to be used for Magistrate offices. A place compliant with ADA requirements. They originally asked the CCC $300,000 for the two small buildings.  So far, the CCC has been reluctant to pay more than $200,000 for the two block structures.
  • Nov. 19 p We used to have a realty company in town. That building, Greenlee Properties owned by Mike Greenlee, was also sold Monday. Jeannie Davis grabbed the place for $500 or so. Two years ago it was valued at $70,000.00
  • Nov. 19 p
  • Nov. 18 p  James A. Miller, 86, of Indore, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 18 Later a Carsel Gene Woods, 57, of Clay, see OBITUARY page

  • Nov. 18 Later a  Steven Joe Cross, 60, of Clay County, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 18 Late a At 8:28 ACRT (ace cub reporter time) Clay Schools were closed for the day according to the 911 dispatcher.
  • Nov. 18 Late a That was well after most kids were on buses or at least had stood beside the road in the cold and snow. Bus drivers filled the airwaves as they tried to contact the Somber Super and Bus Czar to report poor conditions. Over a dozen drivers said they were turning back due to road conditions.
  • Nov. 18 Late a They did so without the normal OK from the two Larry's
  • Nov. 18 Late a Until 8:31 this morning, there was NO contact with the two top Larrys. Around 8:31a, the Somber Super was heard on the scanner: I've got a radio in my hand now
  • Nov. 18 Late a  In years past, there was a phone chain set up where one employee called so many others and the word got out pretty well. This year they are using an automated system known as Sarah.
  • Nov. 18 Late a With schools closed at 8:28, Sarah finally made her robocall to teachers with that announcement at 8:51. After teachers kids were finally informed by Sarah.  With plenty of advanced storm notice, another colossal screw up with kids the recipient of the poor communications and organizational screw up.
  • Nov. 18 Late a Why the delay in calling school with snow accumulations big time. Bus drivers speculate: If they called school today, they would have to make up the time off next week during the first day of buck season.
  • Nov. 18 Late a  9:17 am The Clay School web site, where school closings are normally posted, remained saying just school delays today.
  • Nov. 18 a Happy Birthday to Jimmy Rapp and Marlene Woods
  • Nov. 18 a The ongoing Wall Street crisis has washed away a fourth of the value from West Virginia's investment portfolio -- a $2.5 billion decline -- since the state's budget year began July 1
  • Nov. 18 a  Four Wayne County men have filed a suit against a local pizza restaurant, claiming they found a condom under a pizza they ordered.
  • Nov. 18 a A Martinsburg restaurant patron demanding $5,000 for gravy he says spilled on his wrist.
  • Nov. 18 a  The Nitro convenience store customer who sued after he claims his lip and tongue were burned after he took a bite of a biscuit without being warned "that a cooling time must be observed before eating the biscuit."
  • Nov. 18 a  The Ravenswood railway worker who slapped his employer with a lawsuit after claiming a goose that took flight from the rail yard caused him to fall.
  • Nov. 18 a The buyer of a burger in Morgantown demanding $10 million over an alleged allergic reaction to a slice of cheese included with his order.
  • Nov. 18 a BS lawsuits and right here in good ole West Virginia.
  • Nov. 18 a Can you tell things are moving slow in Clayberry this week?
  • Nov. 18 a  Those nasty ACLU folks are at it again. This time nosing around in federal documents. Does anybody care that the govt can track your location without any court authorization?
  • Nov. 18 a Problem solved was the word on the street last week. The odor at Big Odor Elem. was cured, fixed, gone! But, it's not.
  • Nov. 18 a  Monday noses were offended big time. With vast building and construction knowledge, don't worry, the Cluck of the Works has it under control.
  • Nov. 17 p School Board meets tonight at 6pm down at Lizemores Elem. And for once, they've even got the agenda posted on the web.
  • Nov. 17 p Few in the county prepare for winter. We just wait until the snow's on the ground and then wonder why bald tired and no antifreeze keeps the thing from going down the road.
  • Nov. 17 p State Road salt shakers have been on the roads all afternoon.
  • Nov. 17 p About an inch of snow is in the forecast for tonight. Batten down the hatches and turn on the VCR.
  • Nov. 17 a Happy Monday morning. While the boss isn't lookin', we added a new Fall colors gallery over on the PHOTO page
  • Nov. 17 a A couple years back, the BDA came up with an idea to build storage buildings over at the Filcon Industrial Park near Ovapa. On several occasions they've discussed a need for an incubator site for fledgling start up  companies. Good ideas but other than talk, the BDA has done nothing. Zip. Zero.
  • Nov. 17 a  Enter Ron Shamblin and the old Camper Company building at Maysel.
  • Nov. 17 a After months of clean up, Shamblin started building metal storage lockers on the lot. The first row filled followed by a second. More rental units are on the way now.
  • Nov. 17 a Inside the old block camper building, Shamblin went to work building small cubicles for start up businesses. Each space has its own front facade and door. The cheap rent includes electric, heat, cooling, and a restroom.  A Clay County incubator site was born.
  • Nov. 17 a Guess what! Four businesses are now housed there with another doing finishing touches on her space over the weekend. One guy has new and used hand tools for sale. A lady sells handmade purses made out of old jeans. On weekends, yard salers can rent table space. There looks to be room for about five more shop fronts.  What the BDA gave lip service too, one local business man is doing.
  • Nov. 16 p Oval Fields of Big Otter, see OBITAURY page.
  • Nov. 16 p From the email bag:  I am doing a family tree and I was just wondering if anyone in Clay County knows anything about the family history of Daries Moore?  If so please email me at
  • Nov. 16 p There's a few nasty talk show hosts still spreading gloom and doom over Obama De Bama's win. The world's going to end, taxes to go thru the roof and such. For the most part, the county is long past the election and now  in tune with making it thru the coming cold months.
  • Nov. 16 p As long as government checks keep coming, we don't care about world economic woes. Hitting us hardest, gasoline prices. With local retail around $2.19 a gallon, we are breathing easier. With deer camp coming, the biggest holiday of the year, who gives a rat's butt about financial crisis!
  • Nov. 16 p  The power war continued during last Monday's Town Council meeting. All the BS aside, citations have been levied against the log factory on everything from spills to no mandated paperwork being filed for over a year. Serious stuff. Stuff that netted a $50,000 just a few years back.
  • Nov. 16 p from that meeting, Recorder Llyn Drake at best has selective hearing and limited retention or worst, is a fibber big time. During Monday's meeting, she told the world, she never said the town would provide free night lights to anyone that asked.
  • Nov. 16 p Around 11pm Wed night, a nasty multi car tanglement with a tractor trailer hauling a crane left Connie Tanner dead and others injured. Emergency service crews went into overdrive mode.
  • Nov. 16 p Thursday evening Clay Roane PSD made the public aware of their Dec 25th Christmas present, 13+% rate increase. Base rates will go to $30.62 on Christmas Day.
  • Nov. 16 p Making some happy, the PSD is now flouridating the wa wa adding to the cost of the product.
  • Nov. 16 p High prices for sure and no end in sight. The PSD expects to lose another 45 customers this and next month. Fewer customers and the same product costs, you can see the problem.
  • Nov. 16 p During a continued session of the Library Board Friday night, there was a change. After months of in house finger pointing and words out of character for the Czar, the Board decided to move along with hiring a Library Director. After 2 1/2 hours, they decided to pay the someday soon to be hired newbee the same amount as the last person, include the same benefit package, and work the person 40 hours per week. Does that sound like something major? For that group, it was a major hurdle cleared.
  • Nov. 16 p The Library trustees will meet in seven days to go over the resumes submitted Sept 4th.
  • Nov. 16 p Saturday night, the BDA inspiration, a consignment auction grew some more. The parking lot overflowed. Inside, with the old overheard heaters worked hard, the place was packed. Sale items were everywhere. How can you pass up a three legged table, a metal desk with a big dent, a tiny figurine even if it's chipped, or  a dehumidifer without a catch bucket. Got ta have Em!
  • Nov. 16 p Slowly Clayonians are learning, the consignment auction is the place to get rid of those slightly used items without illegally dumping over a hillside.  By the way, those Auctions will now be held every Saturday night beginning at 7pm
  • Nov. 16 p Sunday morning we awoke to a light dusting of snow. Winter has arrived.
  • Nov. 16 p Clayberry can't depend on one government check to cover Christmas. It takes two even if you don't pay the water and electric bills. This past week, parents hustled around local dollar stores for gifts to be hidden away for 40 days. Kids know this too. Snooping in closets, sheds, and high shelves is now in progress.
  • Nov. 16 p The Great Nation of Clay operates slowly on a good day. When temps go down, our pace does likewise.
  • Nov. 15 a Don't forget all the good stuff to do this weekend. Want to make some easy cash? Take your junk over to the Consignment Auction. See EVENTS page for details.
  • Nov. 15 a 9 days ago the Library Board met for over 3 1/2 hours and was unable to complete the agenda. By the way, 3 1/2 hours is not a record for the group!
  • Nov. 15 a Last night they met again for another  2 1/2 hours. After discussing the discussion four times and going around the barn another 3 times, here's what was accomplished. When they hire a new Library Director, that person will be paid the same rate as the old employee, will receive the same benefit package and will work 40 hours per week.
  • Nov. 15 a An accomplishment? You bet! The Flat Bottom group as some are calling the Library Board (marathon meetings) has taken well over two months to get this far!
  • Nov. 15 a  84,868 homes were lost to foreclosure in October. Getting worser.
  • Nov. 15 a  One city is giving out free Viagra and other impotence drugs to men 70 and older. Getting better.
  • Nov. 14 p Banquets and Bingo tonight, Sales, Gallery Showings, and Auction Saturday, and a big turkey dinner. Be sure to check out the EVENTS page for lots of fun stuff to do this weekend.
  • Nov. 14 p This afternoon at 5:30 the Library continues their marathon Board meeting at the Library.
  • Nov. 14 p Mary Ann Green, 78, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 14 p  Carl William Lanham, 76, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 14 p  Constance “Connie” Rae Tanner, 53, of Indore, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 14 p Ms Tanner was the lady killed in the Wed night wreck near Bentree.
  • Nov. 14 p See JOBS page for new listings
  • Nov. 14 p From last night's Clay Roane PSD meeting, they have a Christmas present just for you. The new rate increase takes effect Dec 25th. Merry Christmas to one and all.
  • Nov. 14 p During Wed's County Commission meeting, the decision was made to name the new Dundon bridge, Veteran's Memorial Bridge.  Discussion included loved ones affixing brass memorials to the span. Senior statesman Don Samples was named to the Board of Health during the meeting.
  • Nov. 14 p  During Monday's Town Council meeting, irate Recorder Llyn Drake told those in attendance, she NEVER said the Town would supply free street lights to any business or residence that asked for such. Well, truth is, she's fibbing. During the Oct meeting , she said just that in response to Council person Betty Murphy's request for street lights on commercial property she owns at Two Run. Her exact words: We would do that for anybody.
  • Nov. 14 p Some are asking why no mention of the big vehicle wreck Wed night down Bentree way. Truth is, the ace cub reporter had his scanner turned off that evening. Sorry.
  • Nov. 14 p from Eyewitness News online: Police say Constance Tanner died in the accident. Six other people were injured. A truck hauling a heavy crane came apart slamming into four vehicles. It happened Wednesday evening on Route 16 in Bellva.Police say the driver of the rig was speeding. The counterweight holding onto the boom snapped swinging the arm around crushing the cars.Police say they will issue several citations
  • Nov. 14 p Putting street talk together, bet there's going to be one humongo lawsuit that lasts for years.
  • Nov. 13 late p  Judith A. Morton Randolph, 67, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 13 a  James L. (Jimmy) Miller, 59, of Clay, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 13 a  Wanda L. McLaughlin, 80, of Ivydale , See OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 13 a From the email bag:    The photos of the fall foliage  that are on the home page are  "Beautiful".  I was home visiting mom  the weekend of 18 October and was able drive thru the West  Virginia mountains to see the leaves changing colors. We also made a kettle of apple butter. No one makes apple butter like my mom, it is the best.  Soon I will be leaving sunny San Diego and moving to New Cumberland, Pa. I am looking forward to visit my mom  more often and making apple butter in the fall.  Yes, country roads take me home. I just wanted "thank you" all for the photos on the home page.  Sharon Faunce Navy ERP/COMFISCs San Diego
  • Nov. 12 a Did you notice our new advertiser on the home page? Natalie Cole down at Procious is now with The Pampered Chef Co. Give a look today
  • Nov. 12 a The agenda For Thursday evening's Clay Roane PSD is now posted over on the ADVISORY page.
  • Nov. 12 a We're are not going to be bad to Town Recorder Llyn Drake this morning although she deserves it. Nor to Council person, calling people liars when they're not, temperamental, Betty Murphy.
  • Nov. 12 a All that's coming but for now. How bad is the financial picture at the Clay Log Factory? Last month it was overdrawn twice. Twice!
  • Nov. 12 a Remember when the Town was fined $50,000 for dumping raw logs into the Elk?
  • Nov. 12 a During Monday evening's Council meeting, it was made public, a number of recently received citations made against the Town. For over a year, mandatory reports were not filed. They ain't operating the place with a mandatory full time, 40 hours per week, qualified, certified Class II operator, and Yes, there was another spill.
  • Nov. 12 a No fines yet but....
  • Nov. 11 Late p  Freda C. Auxier, 62, of Swiss, died Nov. 9, 2008. Service will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12, at Pennington Funeral Home, Gauley Bridge. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday. Burial will be in Walker Memorial Park, Summersville.
  • Nov. 11 a Dulcie (Dutch) Irene Brown Holcomb, 80, of Clay, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 11 a The just completed Prez campaign spent little time, thought, on those serving in the Mid East. Nightly headlines news provides little in the way of war coverage. America in general is more zoomed in on gas prices than the ongoing oil war.
  • Nov. 11 a Today is the one day we give credit to those that have served our country in uniform. Thank you
  • Nov. 11 a Last weeks the school system announced: the doo doo smell at Big Odor Elem was gone, the problem was fixed. Maybe not.
  • Nov. 11 a Monday evening, parents reported the same unhealthy, outhouse smell was again in the school.
  • Nov. 11 a An analysis of 168,900 autopsies conducted in Florida in 2007 found that three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as by cocaine, heroin and all methamphetamines put together. According to state law enforcement officials, this is a sign of a burgeoning prescription drug abuse problem.
  • Nov. 11 p No updates until late this evening
  • Nov. 10 p The Communicator is now on the news stands. 24 pages of the most interesting and informative Clayberry information anywhere!
  • Nov. 10 p Too pooped out for a good posting tonight. But....
  • Nov. 10 p Other than Council person Betty Murphy calling the Mayor (and the ace cub reporter) liars; and, other than Recorder Llyn Drake saying the ace cub reporter made up all that stuff about free street lights for the asking, Monday night's Town Council meeting was business as usual at Town Hall. One fight after another.
  • Nov. 10 a  Steve Ray Tanner, 50, of Nebo, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 10 a  Ottovie Ramsey , see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 10 a  Dulcie Holcomb of Clay died Nov. 8, 2008. Wilson-Shamblin-Smith Funeral Home, Clay, is in charge of arrangements.
  • Nov. 10 a Tonight Town Council meets at 6pm. On the agenda is decisions on all the folks that have asked for free street lights around their commercial and residential properties. If you want one or two or more, be sure to get your request in before the 6pm start time. Remember, at the last meeting, when Council person Betty Murphy received two free dusk to dawn lights, Council was in agreement, they let anybody that asks, free lights, maintenance, and installation. Get on the gravy train while you can!
  • Nov. 10 a Also tonight, Council has on the agenda to give ALL employees another pay raise.
  • Nov. 10 a Most of the agenda items are tit for tat type warfare between Council headed by Recorder Llyn Drake and Mayor Brown. Each time he asks for something, they come back with their own upscale request. It's a pitiful mess, Great entertainment but a costly, pitiful, mess and getting nowhere fast.
  • Nov. 10 a Wouldn't it be nice to have an alternative to the local power company. In just a few more years mini power plants will be doing just that. read more on mini atomic plants.
  • Nov. 10 a The Communicator should be out by 4pm today. We've got a nice big long juicy report from Thursday marathon Library meeting. Well worth the 70 cents and more!
  • Nov. 9 p From the email bag:  Reward for small brown and white dog .half white face.missing halloween night,from maysel laurel ridge 587 7187
  • Nov. 9 p   Etta Pauline Harvey, 87, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 9 a Rachel Belle Bird, 56, of Dixie, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 9 a Robert Salyers, 79, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 9 a Jenivieve Cruikshank, 86, of Solomons, Md., entered into rest Nov. 7, 2008. Wilson-Shamblin-Smith Funeral Home, Clay, is in charge of arrangements.
  • Nov. 9 a Happy 7th Birthday, Colby Grose
  • Nov. 9 a Over in Circuit Court land, an early Jan trial date was set for county business man and Business Development Authority leader, Jim Knotts who is charged with over 120 indictments of messing with little girls. He remains on the BDA smiling during each meeting.
  • Nov. 9 a What a week! After months, 2 years actually, of TV talking heads and commercials, the 08 election came to a close with a new great brown hope for America. Finally a President that has a brain and can speak well in public. His first decree? To tell young uns to pull up their pants. The new program will be called No Kids Seat Behind.
  • Nov. 9 a Locally, Commissioner Triplett garnered more votes (598) in a write in campaign than anyone else in recent history. In years past: Randy Holcomb for Sheriff 535; David Walker 350(entire county was in 33rd), Jim Paxton 171 in 2004;  Betty Taylor (1992) with 553; and even Wayne King 541.
  • Nov. 9 a In spite of his accomplishments, the Triplett era comes to a close with newbee Mike Pierson taking over the job Jan 1st. When Triplett came on board, the Ambulance Service as $140,000 in debt and ready to fold. During his time, he was the only one to speak the truth in a Jimmy Sams smack in the face, 10 Commandments display. Triplett said, If a Court says to take em down, I will take em down. More recently it was Pete that first spoke out against a ram down our throat, flood plain ordinance zoning proposal.
  • Nov. 9 a How quick we forget good leadership and deeds
  • Nov. 9 a After 14 months of complaints without any response from the School Board, Big Odor Elem parents finally made some progress when they approached the media with their concerns. Clayberry made the regional news circuit when TV crews documented our new $8 m crown jewel school encrusted with the smell of raw poo poo. Charleston Newspapers put us on the front page. The Daily Mail's accounting includes a passage where the Somber Super put the monkey squarely on the back of the Cluck of the Works, Jerry Slinky.
  • Nov. 9 a Parents attended a video conference with the Board where they demanded air quality tests. None have been conducted so far.
  • Nov. 9 a Friday afternoon, the Super Larry Gillespie announced that all the woes are behind us with the replacement of a couple itty bitty inside pipes and covering over the manhole covers. Official reports say something else. They say that the construction of the sewer system was done poorly and needed to be redone.
  • Nov. 9 a Near the end of the week, Town Recorder Llyn Drake posted an agenda for an upcoming meeting which revealed the long standing power  battle will continue. When the Mayor wants one thing, the other force snubs it with their own dimly lit perspective.
  • Nov. 9 a Goodwill offers some of the best buys in the world. Penny on the dollar or less. Shoplifters were caught at Goodwill. How sad
  • Nov. 9 a After a week of sunshine filled, warm temp days covered with blue skies, Fall came to Clay with grey skies and chilly willy temps this weekend. Chimneys and smoke stacks belched out grey plumes. People hurried to get on winter snow tires and add radiator grease.
  • Nov. 9 a The Communicator comes out Monday afternoon.
  • Nov. 8 a On a cloudy, gloomy lookin Saturday morning...
  • Nov. 8 a H.E White is hosting Bingo games this afternoon. See EVENTS page.
  • Nov. 8 a Many know Greg and Roberta Wagner from their time on stage during Summer Jams. Tonight their group. LoveSeat, will be appearing down at Taylor Books in Charleston on Capitol Street. No cover charge too
  • Nov. 8 a Tomorrow is the big Veteran's Day dinner at CCHS. See EVENTS page
  • Nov. 8 a For over a year, parents' pleas to get rid of the stink at our new $8.3 m elementary school fell on deaf ears. It took em a while, but those parents figured out: The School Board has control as long as things stay quiet and kept under wraps.
  • Nov. 8 a Yesterday the Charleston Daily Mail ran a front page article on Big Odor Elem school and all the woes at that school. From that article, our Somber Super: The county superintendent says he only conducted a cursory walkthrough of the building. Yet, Superintendent Gillespie also said he kept a clerk of the works on the site. The clerk was supposed to keep an eye on the project.
  • Nov. 8 a Does that sound a little back bitingish to anyone else?  Sinking ships
  • Nov. 8 a From the Richmore and Assoc. report presented to the School Board six days ago: The sewer lines, manholes and trash traps are in serious condition apparently due to lack of proper oversight by the prime contractor. All work on these systems show amateurish construction practices and almost no regard to the plans and specifications.
  • Nov. 8 a Here's the link to that Daily Mail article.
  • Nov. 8 a Monday evening is the next Town Council meeting. Anyone wanting one of those free dusk to dawn lights installed on their business or residential property, better get your request in before the meeting. Absoutely free installation with the town paying the monthly eletric charge and maintenance. Great deal and open to everyone for the asking.
  • Nov. 8 a Communicator comes out monday afternoon with the whole low down. Juicy!
  • Nov. 7 late p Dollie Conrad Doss, 103, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 7 a  Here it is Friday and Obama De Bama has been elected for three days. We still have famine, war and global warming. Throw the bum out!
  • Nov. 7 a  Last night's Library Board meeting went over 3 hours and they still didn't cover all the items on the agenda.  West Virginia Library Head Honcho JD Waggoner along with Karen Golf were in attendance as well Commissioners Triplett and Slinky. Like a breath of fresh air, Waggoner told, retold Tim Hopkins, what he should have known and certainly has been told on numerous occasions. In a nutshell: quit micro managing the operation, the Library Director is in charge of the day to day operations; let her do her job; hire a full time Director ASAP; it's ridiculous to have marathon Board meetings; put the interim Director at the table and listen to her advice, and the changes in the state funding formula have some flexibility to it.
  • Nov. 7 a Was Hopkins listening? It was so bad, at one point, after hearing an explanation three times from the Charleston Head Cheese, Commissioner Slinky asked Timmy to try and listen harder. Uhhhh.. didn't help. Hopkins continued asking the same questions that had already been answered
  • Nov. 7 a The world is against Timmmy! Or at least that's an angle Hopkins applied last night as he accused this web site and newspaper of finding out public information and publishing the news and views in a timely manner. My My My, poor ole Tim. During the Board meeting diatribe about the Board and media being against him, JD Waggoner summed it up with: Tim, you're now a public person, there's a big target on your back, and if there is a problem with reporting, go talk to the responsible party ( that's the Mel Gibson Look Alike)  and quit whining around during a public meeting.
  • Nov. 7 a  Don't think Hopkins was listening during that spiel but wifey Miriam was. Wifey Hopkins came unglued and almost in tears asked the assembled if ANY of them were willing to help her hubby out.
  • Nov. 7 a What was accomplished? Lots of first hand info was provided right from the horses' mouth. That's the same info the Library Board has been trying to tell Chair Hopkins for months.   Someone give Hopkins a box of Q tips ASAP.
  • Nov. 7 a Over at last night's BDA meeting, something happened. After months, years, of the economic development group sitting on their thumbs, BDA Chair Fran King opened up a can of get on the ball or get out. King assigned specific jobs to specific people and gave them a drop dead deadline to get the task accomplished.
  • Nov. 7 a Assignments included: get the BDa web site up and running in 30 days; start a downtown Clay beautification project including banners, decorations, spring/summer flowers; and plan, build, organize, 2 kiosks (fancy name for information centers) to enhance the growing tourist business.
  • Nov. 7 a Here's the refreshing part. Each of the assignments were well received! No complaining. They got to work.
  • Nov. 7 a I know I Know, Yes we're gullible, but this sounded like a new start.... 13 years late but a new start none the less.
  • Nov. 7 a Tim you still reading? Glad to have you along for the ride. And remember, there ain't nothin secret in Clayberry.
  • Nov. 7 a Communicator comes out Monday. Deadline for submissions is today at 5pm. Chatters are always welcome.
  • Nov. 6 p We checked over at the Library, tonight's Board meeting begins at 5:30. The BDA meeting on for this afternoon with a start time of 5pm.
  • Nov. 6 p Big Odor Elem made the late night regional news last night on FOX. The $8.3 million school has a $9m stink. One little kid that was interviewed told the camera crew, he hoped all his buddies had their noses pinched shut
  • Nov. 6 p  Manhole covers are being covered  to stop the poo odor. In addition to the manholes being improperly installed and in  the wrong place, a recent smoke test revealed breaks in the new sewer lines. Additional problems could linger due to the steep elevation of the lines and the ups and downs in grade. Full details in the next Communicator.
  • Nov. 6 a it's been 36 hours since the black dude got elected and low and behold, the country hasn't fallen apart. Imagine that!
  • Nov. 6 a  We're holdin up the Communicator until Monday. Spread the word, the deadline for submissions is Friday at 5pm
  • Nov. 6 a  AW has a note over on the home page campaign button link.
  • Nov. 6 a From Commissioner Peter Triplett : I want to thank all of you who supported and helped me in the election and my service as county commissioner. Mike is our county commissioner now and deserves our support and congratulations. He's got a tough job ahead of him. I look forward to running again in 6 years if not sooner.
  • Nov. 6 a For some catchin up....
  • Nov. 6 a Kate Whittaker and family lost everything they had in last Monday's home fire. Want to help? Here's what we got from her yesterday: the one thing we need:  bodies.  we are beginning the deconstruction, but bill cannot do everything himself.  we need people with chain saws, we desperately need someone with an acetylene torch.  mostly just help to clean it up.  thanks again for everything.
  • Nov. 6 a Think your home is safe. Wrong. Clayberry is experiencing bold day time break in thieves. This from Ms Woods:  $1000 Reward  for credible information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the people who broke into the home of  David and Penny Woods  in Lizemore between the hours of 2:30 and 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 2, 2008. Call 587-2963 or, if you’d prefer, call the State Police at 587-2201.
  • Nov. 6 a TVs, puters, cameras seem to be the prime target of the thugs.
  • Nov. 6 a Anyone trying to sell you a Pentax 35mm wide-angle lens and telephoto lens, Dell laptop computer; or a 46” Sanyo LCD HDTV flat screen TV ? Bet they belong to the Woods' family.
  • Nov. 6 a A little early but: Happy 26st Birthday Michael Childers on Friday Nov. 7th.
  • Nov. 6 a from the email bag:  We want to wish a big happy birthday to our grandma Fay she is 62 ,and our uncle teddy he is 43 both of them on nov 4   We love you from joe, timmy and michael runion.
  • Nov. 6 a Hope Childers ,  Happy 13th birthday!!!
  • Nov. 6 a From the email bag: "Happy 40th Birthday to Cpl. Mark Elswick! From the ones that love you!
  • Nov. 6 a  From the email bag: We want to wish a big happy birthday to our grandma Fay she is 62 ,and our uncle teddy he is 43.   We love you from joe, timmy and michael runion
  • Nov. 6 a more coming....
  • Nov. 5 p Got a little confusion on Thursday's Library Board meeting. The info we received said the public meeting would begin at 5pm in the basement of the place on Main Street. The big long agenda now posted on the front door of Library says the start time is 5:30pm. Not sure which to believe.
  • Nov. 5 p The Town Council meeting has been rescheduled from yesterday until next Monday. Council meetings offer some of the best entertainment value in the county.
  • Nov. 5 p Grand Fall Grand Jury convened today at the Courthouse.  Results as soon as we get em. Many say no one gets convicted in Clayberry. Remember Ralph Fields? The indicted twice for child molesting, plead guilty and is in the slammer. As for Jim Knotts and his 120 some child abuse felonies, his trial is now set for early Jan.
  • Nov. 5 p It was a long night with the final votes counted and the lights turned off around 2 am this morning.
  • Nov. 5 p All the bitter Hitlary supporters are still cry babying around that the world will end with Clinton in the White House. For the rest of us, this may actually be a fresh new start. New start or not, about anything is better than the corporate sponsored, dimly lit W.
  • Nov. 5 p  Clay County: Obama De Bama 1417; McLame 1748
  • Nov. 5 p US Congress:  Shelley Moore 1783; Ann Barth 1509
  • Nov. 5 p WV Attorney General: Darrell McGraw 1774; Dan Greear 1383
  • Nov. 5 p Clay County 11th Senate: Bill Laird 1292; Andy Waddell 1035; Aubry Wilson 800
  • Nov. 5 p Clay County, 33th House: Dave Walker 1413; Larry Cole 430
  • Nov. 5 p Magistrates Mike King and Jeff Boggs both took office during the same election cycle two terms ago. In each contest Jeff Boggs always garnered a few more votes than King, Not so this time around: Mike King 2222; Jeff Boggs 2160.
  • Nov. 5 p Clay County Commission:  Mike Pierson 2250; Peter Triplett 598.
  • Nov. 5 p And in the hotly contested County Surveyor contest: Jesse Sizemore 1690; Marshall Robinson 1252
  • Nov. 5 p As for a record turnout in Clayberry.. Nope. Looks like around  3300 came out to vote yesterday.
  • Nov. 5 a At 1am the tally continued with two precincts uncounted. The slow count was due to checking each ballot front and back for official write in candidate Peter Triplett stickers and penciled votes.
  • Nov. 5 a Locally, Mike Pierson won in the County Commission race.
  • Nov. 5 a Dave Walker won in the 33rd District House race
  • Nov. 5 a Fayette County's Bill Laird took the 11th Senatorial seat vacated by Shirley Love
  • Nov. 5 a Full details later today.
  • Nov. 4 p  Lorena Opal Burrows, 71, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 4 p According to the Clay County Clerk's office, all polling places opened on time and no problems as of 1pm.
  • Nov. 4 p Going to be a big turnout? This morning, in the northern end of the county, turn out was well above normal. Normal is about 30% of the eligible voters showing up to exercise their right to mark a ballot.
  • Nov. 4 p  There have been problems other places. From Mason County we received this info: WV Sec. of State, Betty Ireland, has issued written guidelines prohibiting statutorily required precinct by precinct vote tabulation in Mason County.
  • Nov. 4 p  What does that mean?  We think it means: The Sec. of State has issued written guidelines prohibiting election night returns from being released precinct by precinct.
  • Nov. 4 p So far that directive has NOT been received in Clay County where it's a landmark tradition to  go to the Courthouse and listen to precinct by precinct election returns.
  • Nov. 4 p  As for Sec of State Betty Ireland and her interpretation of the law: What a crock of ****
  • Nov. 4 p  Email in those predictions before 7pm tonight. See morning post for details.
  • Nov. 4 a After 2 years nothing but commercial after commercial, it's election day. Get out and vote. If you think the election hype will be over tonight late, you're wrong. Talking heads will be digesting results for weeks to come. When does the next election cycle begin? Today of course.
  • Nov. 4 a Our prediction remains. If the Electoral College system installed John McLame, rioting in the streets Wed!
  • Nov. 4 a Time for our online poll. Email over your responses to: 1-Who will win the popular vote, Obama De Bama or John McLame.  2-  Will the Senate turn filibuster proof with 60 Demorat Senators?  3- And locally, will our local School Board take over the County Commission? Mike Pierson or Peter Triplett?
  • Nov. 4 a  Email your answers before 7 pm tonight.
  • Nov. 4 a Vote early and vote often!
  • Nov. 4 a 101.7FM will provide top of the hour election info beginning at noon. Tonight at 7pm they begin their live election reporting from independent news, Democracy Now. Local election results will be provided as soon as the first precincts are counted. Last time around, the first local results were available around 9pm
  • Nov. 4 a Normally the first Tuesday of the month is filled with public meetings. Not so on this election day holiday for many.
  • Nov. 4 a A week or so back Clay County was given recognition of having the second highest teen pregnancy rate in the state. Now we now why! The television is getting them pregnant.
  • Nov. 4 a Much of last night's School Board meeting was spent on the nasty smell over at Big Odor Elem. Almost every contractor, overseer, funding rep was present. Almost... the sub contractor that actually installed the new school septic system was noticeably absent from the lengthy gathering.
  • Nov. 4 a Recent smoke testing of the school revealed the poo poo smells coming from the outside the school man hole covers. According to one four page report, the sub contractor responsible for the septic system did a pee poor job with many deficits including putting the manholes in the wrong place and not properly sealing them.
  • Nov. 4 a With lots of parents complaining about health concerns to exposure to the fumes, work will begin immediately to cover and seal off the offending manholes.
  • Nov. 4 a For those concerned about poo poo gas exposure. the internet has a lot to say.
  • Nov. 4 a  Savvy About Sewer Gas?
  • Nov. 4 a  Here's OSHA guidelines online and Yes sewer gas can be a very bad thang.
  • Nov. 4 a After about 90 minutes of  listening to parents and others, Boardster Gene King commented he was tired of hearing about "all that S***"
  • Nov. 3 a Over on the PHOTO page is a new gallery of the Dundon Bridge Coming Down.
  • Nov. 3 a For those interested in seeing all the Halloween pictures, they're over on the radio station web site.
  • Nov. 2 a Turns out Glen Sutton didn't eat those two puppies. Their owners showed up just in the nick of time.
  • Nov. 2 a Opal Walker, 78, of Bickmore, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 2 a Alton Workman, 99, see OBITUARY page
  • Nov. 2 a Happy Birthday wishes to Melea Holcomb, Grandma Marjorie Lane and for Monday, Grandpa Bernard Lane.
  • Nov. 2 a Banks failed, credit card debt at record highs, insurance companies & car makers asking for bail out money, agitating air raids on Syria, some have called for the normal Jan 20th inauguration date of Jan 20th to be moved up to Nov. 5th.
  • Nov. 2 a The election has certainly caught the attention of this country with record participation in early voting roles.
  • Nov. 2 a An ever so bitter West Virginia clings to an out of step with reality Dubbya, McLame. Instead of picking the best of our two choices, out of reason voters are still clinging to the lame, Hitlary. Never have there been stronger feelings and most without any reasoning. Arce will play a role in the General this time around
  • Nov. 2 a Got a question. What if a President were of the Buddhist, Hindu, Lutheran, or Muslim faith. With our nation one of inclusion, why should anybody care? You don't think your religion is the only good one.... do ya? Here's a list of world religions and rankings
  • Nov. 2 a Closer to home, nearly twice as many voters (around 950)  showed up for the early voting process. Does that mean a record turnout Nov. 4th or folks just sick & tired of it, wanting to get the mess behind them,
  • Nov. 2 a CNN reports 70% of America think too much $$$ are being spent on ads but 34 million watched Obama De Bama's infomercial this past week.
  • Nov. 2 a Friday mid day, after months of absolute stink at the crown jewel of new schools, Big Odor Elem was closed down. The stench of poo sometimes masked with bleach cleaner was everywhere. Parents' calls for help went nowhere. It took the big boys from Charleston to to get a snout full to make a difference.
  • Nov. 2 a Julie Derby Triplett  made it home from a 15 month tour in Afghanistan Thursday. Thank God! Two young children, husband, parents, and friends had a fine homecoming.
  • Nov. 2 a Commissioner Slinky, representing County Clay testified in court in favor of Fola Coal operating without proper permitting 9 days ago. Fortunately a clear thinking Judge Chambers decided late Thursday night, every company including Fola should obey the law. With an appeal in process, Fola knows the always friendly to coal, 4th Fed District will hear their appeal.
  • Nov. 2 a Small town America at its best:  Friday afternoon kids, parents, and grand parents came over for another community event over at the 101.7 FM. Dressed in their cutest and sometimes scariest costumes, young ones participated in games and contests. Smiles were everywhere. At 6pm they headed off for traditional trick or treat fun.
  • Nov. 2 a Friday night CCHS footballer Luke Klemans was life flighted out of the game. Get well wishes extended.     The final game of the season was called off in the fourth quarter ending the 08 season.
  • Nov. 2 a Normally this is the time politicos make back room deals. My slate will will vote for your man if you... Stuff like that. This time around the only big question is, will the School Board gain control of the entire county with their man in the County Commission race. Go Pete!
  • Nov. 2 a Cold temps brought out the double quilts. Smoke stacks billowed oak and coal smoke. Colorful Fall colors remained a splendour. We're into the next to last month of the year. Where has 08 gone?
  • Nov. 1 a Hundred's of Clayonians have already exercised their right to vote.  Today is the last day to early vote on a paper ballot over at the County Clerk's office.
  • Nov. 1 p Big huddle this morning over at Bog Odor Elem. Maybe it does take media to get a nasty problem looked at!
  • Nov. 1 Check the Events page for stuff going on today.
  • Nov. 1 p Don't forget tonight's the  big BDA Consignment Auction. Great opportunity to drag over some old junk and walk away with some new $$$. Details on EVENTS page
  • Nov. 1 p  Federal Judge RObert Chambers blocked that Fola Coal permit according to the Charleston Gazette article in Friday's paper available online
  • Nov. 1 a Here's one line from Ken Ward's article: Fola is the largest employer in Clay County, and accounts for 65 percent of the county's tax base, the judge noted, citing testimony from County Commissioner Jerry Linkinoggor.
  • Nov. 1 a  last week it was 40%. Now it's 65%. My how things grow Pinochio and so quickly too!

  • Nov. 1 p Haven't been to Clay. How about this weekend! Warm temps and nice colors remain. Better hurry tho .... Moountain Top Removal may change that forever.