SAFE!!!!! April 25, 2004 |
Baseball |
Eagle Slidding |
Hitter |
Jarrod April 25, 2004 |
Jarrod Better April 25th |
JD on Mound April 18, 2004 |
Matt April 18, 2004 |
4 In A Row |
Coach Kleman |
Dick Johnson Working the field July 8, 2004 |
Eagle On First May 14, 2004 |
Eagle at Bat |
Fans in May 2004 |
Giving it a Ride |
Hot Afternoon In Glenville |
JD on the Mound |
Jess Cox May 2004 |
Jess and Mr. Shamblin |
Jesse Hits It |
Jesse on the Mound |
Jordan Bunts |
Jr. League 2004 13 & 14 year olds |
Mason Gives it a Ride |
Matt on the mound |
Matt on the mound |
Missed it by that much |
On The Shin |
The Swing |
Trinity's Reach |