Who Was In Charge?
Sch System Problems

To get you
During the Pandemic years, the nation was brought
to its knees. Business shut down as did financial
markets and schools. After seeing the names of hundreds dying
each day, America gor skeered. While Drumpf was in office,
there was no COVID leadership. No efforts to get the country
back on track. At one point, that Prez told citizens to drink
Enter Biden.
Almost immediately Biden orchestrated leadership
complete with $$$ to tie people over til a vaccine was in
Here in West Virginia, millions and millions of
$$$ came our way. A bunch of it went to school systems, towns,
and county commissions in all 55 counties. Local leadership
was told to follow the guidelines or be penalized but
importantly, get the money into the mix right now.
During Clay County Commission and Town Council
meetings, over and over, our leaders spoke out: They told us,
if we spend COVID $$$ on projects, those projects have to be
within the Federal guidelines. And And And, if you don't
follow the rules, Feds can come in and force em to reimburse
the Fed.
Here in County Clay, most of us saw abuse of the
new found pot of gold. That part about getting caught and
paying back the ill gotten gains, most didn't pay attention.
Maybe the most notable of those stealing from the trough and
getting caught was CDC Director Pan Taylor who wound up
in Fed prison for her transgressions. When that happened,
others in the county were quietly thinking, Oh crap, hope they
don't get me!!
Now for the latest
Early last week word spread that County Clay Schools
had their thangy in the wringer. In a nutshell, the Pentagon
received boat loads of Fed $$$ to pay for wireless DSL so kids
could connect for online classes. And, that those "hot spot"
machines were never handed out, never used, as well as the
subscription service to make it all happen. And, now the Feds
want their funds (E rate grant as they called it) returned to
the tune of $1000s.
Such emails and tele calls usually contain some
truth or some nugget worth exploring. Even in retirement, some
things have to be investigated.
We met with Superintendent Phil Dobbins March 4th at
the Pentagon. From that discussion here's what we think are
the facts.
Dobbins has been on the job since July 1st
2023. Now with 8 full months under his belt, he is
getting a handle on all the stacks of paperwork that came
before he took his job. While shuffling thru forms, files,
boxes, etc., he and others came across 201 brand new, never
taken out of their boxes, hot shot devices. See picture above.
The load of unused devices are compliments an April
2022 contract agreed to by then Superintendent Joe (Pretty Boy
as some called him) Paxton. We tried to get Dobbins to say
Paxton's name. He wouldn't. Instead, Dobbins only acknowledged
the signed contract was consummated by the previous
The Hot Spots came with a $41.24 per unit per
month cost. This School System has been billed for 13 or 14
See where this is going clickers? Once you get in
the cross hairs of Federal Suits, if you didn't even bother to
use the freebees, if the kids didn't benefit one penny, they
want their money back. Add all that up and we're talking a
heap big bunch of $$. At least $100,000.00
Think about it, this year 2 schools will be closed and
26 employees will be told bye bye. Other belt tightening
measures are coming including maybe the loss of activity buses
for after school.
Now, Dobbins is saddled with an unexpected financial
burden not accounted for in the Budget.
Super Dobbins added he is already in negotiations to
get that $100k burden removed or lowered. He ordered a stop
payment order on this month's $21,000 payment
Dobbins, "No one benefited.... We were left in this
The old Sch Board and Superintendent operated behind
closed doors often. During those hectic COVID days, just the
thought of the Feds saying, "It's all free... sign here" would
be enticing.
With the need to get students online at home and
someone waiving free dollars around, we think Paxton signed
the agreement without Board approval. We think that based on
our weak memories of Board coverage during the Spring of 2022,
we don't remember any Board action on the free Hot Spot
equipment and service.
No doubt Team Dobbins and local taxpayers are on
the hook and no doubt Paxton signed off on the agreement. A
bad penny never goes away.
For sure, those pee poor test scores released two weeks
ago, not having online classes for the masses, that sure
didn't help.
The question remains, why would ANY leader have 201
free devices that could help students and then NEVER give em
out, Paxton sat on em. Why?
We asked Mr Dobbins that question. His reply was
something along the lines of, I can't think of any reason,
none, for leaving the Hot Spots in their boxes
And one final happy thought. Dobbins is just
starting to get thru all the previous administration's
dealings. There might be more crapola comin!