Thank You Clay Town Council
25 2024
It takes $$ to operate a big or small
Town. Stuff like Badge protection, sidewalk repairs /
upgrades, town parks, and on and on.
Oh, but we don't have any of those things.
Town of Clay leadership under the direction
of Mayor Jason Hubbard just gave the green light for an
additional tax to be added to ANY purchase within their
municipal boundary.
Adding taxes has been something Hubbard
has demanded during tenures as an appointed elected
official. He's also at the helm of turning the County's
only Town into a speed trap complete with their own Court
There are around 30 businesses remaining in Town.
It's a struggle for each to keep the doors open. Not a one
is grinning on the way to the bank. Just this week we lost
the only place to buy a cup of coffee in downtown Clay.
Adding a brand new 1% tax doesn't sound like much.
That's until you purchase a used car from Hopkins or that
new pellet stove from the Farm Store.... Add the new
1% on top of the already on the books 6% sales tax. By the
way, the merchant ain't going to eat this expense. Instead
it will be added right on your bill.
Town leaders got what they wanted. Now
we all have to live with it or there's another solution
that solves two problems at once. That first solution to
shop outside of the Town. Secondly, once the remaining
shutter their front doors, Town leaders will have even
less reason for sidewalks, Badge protection, street
lights, keeping the wawa flowing and the logs
The new tax kicks in on Jan 1st 2025. Questions?
Call Mayor Hubbard or Councilperson Meghan Starcher.