Don't Know How to Succeed!
County Clay has
been behind the rest of the world since the beginning of time.
Truth is, many think our leadership likes it that way. Putting
forth no effort... that makes life easier for elected and
appointed leadership.
Couple those thoughts with a population , most of it
anyway, that has but one thing on their mind, "when's my check
coming" and "what's in it for me", and you have the complete
recipe for stagnation and failure.
Here's an old example of pee poor
leadership. 15 or more years ago, our Business
Development Authority (BDA) was provided a $10,000 grant
to grow a tourist welcome center for the county. They had a
group or two willing to host the center in downtown Clay. And
and, here it comes readers, BDA leadership turned away the
free money, stating, we didn't need it.
Here's the latest example of pee poor leadership.
18 months ago a young couple showed up with a plan to
grow "pedal car" railroad rides on the old BC&G tracks
along Buffalo Creek. Presenting themselves professionally,
this county poo pooed their idea. That negative attitude on
the part of Clayonians came while knowing that young couple
already had 5 other such rides already in place around the
country, and already successful.
Six months ago the Rail Explorers set
up shop investing $1000's over at Dundon. They hired a couple
dozen or more locals with great starting wages, they entered
into a long term lease for a half million $$$; and well
trained the local hires.
By the end of the 2024 season, over 16,000 paying
riders kept the place humming thru Oct. At $40 per rider,
that's a gross of over $640,000 and that doesn't include the
sale of trinkets, t shirts, etc.
That's all fresh new money and doesn't count the
$100,000's that came toward local businesses from gasoline,
beer, pop, and food sales.
Keep in mind, it was their first season and the
Explorers got a late start in June. For 2025, the number of
riders should double!
Any other place trying to attract tourism growth, any
other place would be doing the happy dance for such an
Not here in the Land of Little.
Truth is local leaders did nothing in the way of even
putting up a Welcome banner!
We didn't see local leadership do ANYTHING to support
the fledgling expansion (and the Growth of County Clay).
A little thing like printing brochures showing off our
existing attractions, that never happened.
Leadership didn't build a centrally located kiosk to
highlight our pluses.
Not one person, kid, little ole lady, took the time to
set up a trinket stand, sell lemonade or hot dogs, BBQ. There
was no encouragement by community leaders to get something
started. Zip!

Catchpoole ans Mary Joy Lu
Thanks for Trying