Sept 24 2024

With Damage Mostly Healed, We're back

   After the July 26th wreck where a guy in a Honda SUV tried to turn the Ace Cub Reporter into chopped burg
er, we're trying to get back on task.
   It has been a long and tough 8 weeks. With the metal staples removed, most of the road rash gone, the rib healed, the ripped shoulder / tendons about half way back to decent, and the leg cast coming off this Friday, the only thing lift are a few more therapy sessions and a trip or two to the neck surgeon down in Charleston.
   Of all that rotten stuff, the hardest part was the brain fog. For several weeks the brain just didn't work right. When trying to remember things and type at the same time, it didn't work. Today we're close to being out of that phase of recovery. We should be back to our customary misspelled words and messy composing this week.
  Healing is a tough thing but so is watching the Boob Tube for hours and hours. Between those crooked carrot, bra, and those new wittle pills that provide an instant boner for 90 year old men, the Mel Gibson look alike turned off commercial TV after just a few days. Instead came the shows that are without interruptions like Gunsmoke. We watched a full 10 seasons of Matt winning every battle and without one advertisement interruption. We noticed: during one episode, he was shot three times but by the time he got back to the Long Branch Saloon, his shirt was repaired and he could hold a tall beer without a problem; not one horse was killed in the cross fire; and, all the young pretty women managed to take a bullet in the chest (or back) within 20 minutes of the show. Man, those were the days.
  Thanks again for the many emails, tele calls, and cards. You are appreciated. For our regular readers, thanks for the patience

Andy Waddell