Soccer is a game that anybody can play. You don't
have to be tall, fast, built like a linebacker.. anybody can
have fun while getting in great exercise. Other than shin
guards, matching tee shirts and shoes, the cost to outfit a
player is near zero.
Until Saturday morning April 20th, soccer was not offered
in County Clay. Around the world, it's the biggest game by far.
For the last couple years, Angela Brown has been working
to gather grant funds to get soccer up and running. After a
Herculean effort, right now there are four ready to use fields.
Located at Clay County Park, where once there was nothing but by
head busting rocks and weeds to your waist, there is a playing
field for each age group.
Where di all the rocks go? Team Brown got out there, dug
em up and wheelbarrowed the stones over the hillside. What about
the craters left behind? Again, volunteers dug up fresh soil and
filled in the holes.
On a chilly willy April 20th Saturday morning, parents,
kids, supporters, showed up for the first ever games in the
All games are held on Saturday mornings with
Championship contests coming in May.
We stayed around to see the youngest participants strut
their stuff.
Where once there was debris, tall weeds and sneaky snakes, County
Clay now has a new Soccer Stadium