have you printed so little on Clayonian Aaron Nichols? Truth is, unless
there is a criminal complaint filed, there is little other than hearsay.
We printed what we could back during the warm weather months. We have more
Aaron Nichols, file photo
Monday, Nov 25th 2019, Aaron Nichols was finally arrested
on Felony charge of maliciously wound Brian Gould, a close relative. The
arrest was made in Kanawha County with bond set at $10,000. Because the
crime occurred here in Clayberry, the Kanawha Magistrate phoned Magistrate
Jeff Boggs who set that bond amount. Those on the bond include Clinton
and Beverly Nichols.
Ms Nichols attorney is Thomas Smith. First hearing will
be held on Dec 11th at 1pm here in County Clay in the new Courthouse.
The warrant for arrest was issued by Magistrate Boggs on Nov
13 2019 after probable cause was found.
The arresting officer was no lowly Green Shirt. Instead, First
Sergeant Michael Anderson did the honors.
The criminal complaint is provided just below. As a note, there
is no mention of Mr Gould's eye being plucked out of his head as we have
reported in prior posts. We stand by those earlier reports.
Keep in mind, prior to being hired by the W Va Green Shirts,
several in this county wrote letters advising the State's to not make a
mistake and hire the lad. Others in Clayberry were telephoned by the Big
Cheese in charge of personnel and also gave the background and to not hire
the local guy.
Now, taxpayers will now foot the costly bill.